Finding Amanda
Finding Amanda
R | 27 June 2008 (USA)
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A television producer with a penchant for drinking and gambling is sent to Las Vegas to convince his troubled niece to enter rehab.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
callanvass Flippant television producer, Taylor Mendon (Broderick) has a knack for heavy drinking, drug abuse, and excessive gambling. After starting to turn his life around, his dull lifestyle leads him to gambling on horses, causing his wife (Tierney) to be exasperated at his actions. When he finds out his twenty-year old Niece Amanda (Snow) has a job as a hooker in Las Vegas he promises to send Amanda to rehab, and promises his wife he won't gamble. Unfortunately for Taylor, things don't go exactly as plannedThis is a very minor film that doesn't amount to much in the scheme of things. The script is nowhere near strong enough to ascend like it wants to. That being said, I definitely had a decent time with this movie. The acting is as consummate as you're going to find. It's one of Broderick's quirky projects he made around this time. I'm sure he is set for life with the money he's made, and doesn't exactly need to be a top star these days. This is the type of movie that won't appeal to everyone. For the people who love blockbusters, you'll probably be bored silly. Those that appreciate an above average character study should find at least a fair amount to like here. I would especially recommend this movie to addicts of any kind. Many people have had drug and alcohol issues, especially with gambling. On the downside of things, this movie isn't able to harness the immense potential it has. The relationship between Taylor and Amanda wasn't explored enough for my liking. It all felt cold to me. Matthew Broderick is far too hypocritical to be sympathetic. His pretentious demeanor will have a lot of people indifferent or annoyed at him. Broderick himself is solid as usual in a monotonous sort of way. In my opinion it's Brittany Snow that steals the show here. She is poised for her age and mature beyond her years. Despite having to contend with a disappointing script, she gives it her all. Her energy and charisma was a lot of fun to watch. Maura Tierney is solid as the wife, but doesn't have that much to do but play a frustrated wife. I'd like to have seen more depth from her character. All my criticism aside, this is a good time-waster. I just wish the characters were a tad easier to relate to. I didn't think they went as far as they could have, but oh well. It's worth a look6.3/10
insomniac_rod "Finding Amanda" is what I would call "an uncomfortable watch" only because I couldn't easily found a genre where it could fit.I mean, it's not a comedy but it isn't strictly a drama feature. Sure, the plot will make you think it's drama because of the prostitution and "gambling" situations but it goes further than that.I watched this at midnight before presenting a very difficult exam and it kind of depressed me. I'm glad I came with a good grade!The relationship between Brittany Snow and Matthew Broderick is the reason to make the movie watchable. The acting is very good. I didn't know Brittany Snow was that talented and she demonstrates it by delivering a solid performance. Plus the fact that she's sexy and candy for the eye makes it easier. Matthew Broderick demonstrates he's a versatile actor. The resolution is kind of gut wrenching because of the tragic plot but still it's a movie to watch only on t.v. Otherwise, don't look for it.
Gordon-11 This film is about a troubled middle aged man with addiction problems trying to rescue his niece from prostitution in Las Vegas.Taylor is hopelessly addicted to gambling, hoping one day he will win it big. Amanda earns money by prostitution in Las Vegas, and is successful as she manages to make money to buy a house and a car at the tender age of 20. It is obvious that Taylor and Amanda are characters with things in common. They live in their own fantasy world, thinking that someday it will magically transform into utopia.Given the subject matter, I find it surprising that "Finding Amanda" is marketed as a comedy. There are funny moments, but it is more a emotional drama about the two waking up from their dreamland. Taylor's addiction is convincingly portrayed by the adorable Matthew Broderick. Amanda is also a likable character, but she is far too happy and fluffy to be a person with a turbulent background. Greg, on the other hand, is convincingly despicable and disgusting."Finding Amanda" is slow at times, but it gives viewers ample time to digest what goes on with the characters. It provokes people to look into their lives, and maybe we can find a part of us that is hypocritical like Taylor is. This film is for people who like serious and emotional films, and it will not appeal to romantic comedy fans.
robe-17 A really nice movie. Clever, a lot of very very funny lines, and uniformly strong performances. Better than so much of what is in theaters, I can't figure out why this didn't open on the big screen...oh yeah, it's for grown ups. Matthew Broderick manages to make his wealthy spoiled writer/producer sympathetic, mostly because his lines are so sharp, the character hasn't lost the ability to see the B.S., even as he peddles it. And the girl is a great new version of Reese Witherspoon, but 20 percent less cloying. I love that she's not super sexy: the movie is soaked in sex but not about treats it in such a matter of fact, American-as-apple-pie kind of way. If you watch this, you'll laugh. I keep calling up scenes and entertaining myself a day later. Congrats to the writer/director... and thanks.