Blood and Concrete
Blood and Concrete
| 13 September 1991 (USA)
Blood and Concrete Trailers

A dimwitted thug encounters a strung-out, suicidal young woman and an unlikely relationship develops as they work together to make a break for new horizons.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
merklekranz Not much here except a well manicured Billy Zane and at least a bunch of weird for weird's sake characters revolving around a plot that would fit on a paper napkin. I'd be the first one to admit I'm a sucker for even marginal dark comedy, but here's an idea, at least have a point. "Blood & Concrete" meanders along for an overlong 97 minutes, introducing one bizarre character after the next, but the story goes nowhere. The odd cartoon-like goings on really wear thin rather quickly, and since none of the characters are even remotely likable, the whole thing becomes a so what. This isn't even close to a good black comedy, in fact it isn't even close to a good movie. - MERK
Nordicnorn Fun enjoyable, offbeat, and quirky. Starts off with Beals attempted, but interrupted suicide. You then follow Joey Turks (Zane), a sleazy, two bit,criminal through the strangest day in his cheesy,life. All this while wearing horrible and tacky clothes. Add to this a,dead body in the pool, a comic-book-style LA noir cop, and Zane's,Forrest Gump approach to crime, and you get an absolute treat. Beals is,great as the odd, wounded bird of a girlfriend. She has kind of a Wednesday Addams meets Cyndi Lauper thing happening. It doesn't have a lot of CGI, or big bangs, just some fun dialog and good writing. Fun and entertaining.Overall: Watch this if you get the chance.
turing77 This film is a true sleeper. It's on late-night cable a lot, so there must be some recognition of its merits, considering it is such an old film. In a nutshell, this is pure LA noir, with crazy characters, crazy circumstances, and a lot of weirdness goin' on. The cast is superb, with Billy Zane striking just the right note, Darren McGavin turning in a hilarious performance, and the ageless and beautiful Jennifer Beals playing a subdued but nuanced part. (Kudos also to Harry Shearer, for a great cameo.) This film is truly a keeper, full of little moments that are funnier on reflection. (E.g., Bart starts to get amorous, so Joey all of a sudden starts concentrating on his dinner...hilarious.) Great entertainment.
George Parker "Blood and Concrete" is a lame little low budget comedy about a small time hoodlum (Zane) who hooks up with a neurotic babe (Beals) and then learns they have something more in common than mutual admiration...specifically a drug called "Libido". Playing out like something contrived by a bunch of drunken college students, this flick invents wacky characters and then has them pop up as necessary to sustain it as it dogs its way through its meager plot. Although the film does have a few funny moments and a hint of a creative edge, it is a sub-B flick which wears out early on and most will not find it worth the time.