R | 23 September 1983 (USA)
Pieces Trailers

A frustrated Boston detective searches for the maniac responsible for mutilating a number of university coeds.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Sam Panico When the general public thinks of a slasher film with no redeeming value whatsoever, chances are they're thinking about this movie. It is at the same time the best and worst film you've ever watched. But more importantly, it is never ever boring.Back in 1942, a young boy named Timmy was putting together a jigsaw puzzle of a naked woman. His mother, understandably, is upset and demands he get a garbage bag to throw the puzzle away. Instead, he came back with an axe to her head and then cut her up with a hacksaw. He hides in a closet and the police send him to live with his aunt, as they believe whoever killed his mother had escaped.This all happens within the first minute of this movie. Yes, Pieces packs more gore and strangeness into sixty records than most movies do in ninety minutes.Forty years later, a man in black opens a box that has the bloody clothing of Timmy's mom and a photograph of her. He opens the nude jigsaw puzzle, which is covered in blood and begins to play with it. I hope he has all the pieces! This is why we never buy old puzzles at the thrift store.Cut to (no pun intended) a girl studying outside, who gets her head chopped off by a chainsaw and stolen. Lt. Bracken (Christopher George, Day of the Animals, City of the Living Dead) and Sgt. Holden (Frank Braña, Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold, If You Shoot…You Live, God Forgives…I Don't!) start their investigation, meeting the dean (Edmund Purdom, Absurd, 2019: After the Fall of New York) and anatomy Professor Brown (Jack Taylor, Horror of the Zombies, Conan the Barbarian). Rounding out our suspects would be Willard (Paul Smith, Bluto from Altman's Popeye, one of the first movies that I remember hating as a child), a groundskeeper who is using a chainsaw.Then, in the library, Kendall gets a note from a girl, telling him to come see her at the pool. The killer reads the note first and chainsaws the girl to, well, pieces. Willard is arrested and the detectives find the chainsaw and the girl's body…except for her torso (no, not 1973's Torso).Read more at http://bit.ly/2zuwUTs
jellopuke If you want copious gore, terrible dubbing/acting, non-sensical scenes, and a killer who uses a chainsaw, then this is going to be right up your alley. There are some great effects and the overall plot of a killer making a human jigsaw puzzle is disturbing enough that you can overlook all of the hilarious weirdness. Well worth watching if you like trash cinema and/or slasher movies. And what the heck was with the kung fu guy that appears for NO reason?!?!?!?
Leofwine_draca Written by Joe D'Amato and directed by Juan Piquer Simon, PIECES is one of the shoddiest yet most perversely entertaining trash movies out there. Packed with grisly gore sequences of people being chainsawed to bits, appallingly dubbed, and with a great exploitation cast, this is truly a one-off experience the like of which had never been seen before - or since - this film was made. This unlikely Spanish/US co-production, which would have us believe the action all takes place in Boston, kicks off in firm NIGHTMARES IN A DAMAGED BRAIN territory with the gruesome scene of a young boy axing his mother to death.Years later, "beautiful" American teenagers are being murdered by a man with a chainsaw at a university campus. The killer is decked out in the classic giallo garb: hat, gloves, long black coat, and chainsaw tucked behind his back - you name it. We see shots of him piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of a naked woman throughout the film yet his identity is supposedly hidden as D'Amato strives for a whodunit element to the plot. The "plot" then lurches from one shoddy but graphic chainsaw murder to the next, wallowing in graphic carnage as naked girls have their arms and heads cut off and are sawed in two, with cheap blood splattering the walls and surrounding sets - gorehounds certainly get their money's worth here.The unlikely 'hero' of the film is geeky college student Kendall, as played by Spanish nobody Ian Sera without an ounce of charisma or intelligence - he's just a hilariously dumb nerdish guy, drafted in to help with the police investigation for no apparent reason! You've gotta love the extra scenes like some kung fu and a girl rollerskating into a pane of glass which are there for padding and have no relation to the story in any way. The dialogue is funny and dumb throughout, typical for the era.The cast is a mix of American and Spanish actors, none really familiar unless you're a fan of US and Spanish cult movies from the past twenty years. First up is Christopher George playing a hard-nose police lieutenant who is even less successful at catching the criminal here than he was in THE EXTERMINATOR! His wife (nepotism perhaps?) Lynda Day George pops up as the pretty-but-ageing blonde heroine who predictably gets stalked by the killer in the final stages and has a great melodramatic outburst scene. Edmund Purdom is wonderfully hammy whilst the menacing Paul Smith is wasted in a red herring role as the janitor! As for the Spanish cast, Frank Brana plays it like John Saxon as a hard-knuckle police sergeant whilst horror stalwarts Jack Taylor and Gerard Tichy prop up the supporting teacher roles. Worth sitting through to witness the out-of-left-field finale which sees the assembled corpse suddenly springing to life in a supernatural twist - yes, it had me cheering!
callanvass Back in the year 1942, a young pervert in Boston named Timmy gets chastised by his mother for trying to finish a jigsaw puzzle of a naked woman. The boy snaps, and chops her to death with an Axe. Two bumbling cops let Timmy go free. Forty years later, in a campus on Boston, the students are turning up dead, one by one. A serial killer is desiring to form a human jigsaw puzzle with body parts. It is up to Lt. Bracken (Christopher George) a student named Kendall, and former tennis pro, Mary Riggs (Lynda Day George) to try to stop himI've seen this countless times over the years. It was one of the very first horror movies I ever bought, back when I was first discovering my love for horror films. I wore out the DVD. Last night was the first time I had seen it in almost five years. Did it manage to give me entertainment still? Yup. This is European, so we have to put up with some horrible dubbing. Let me get one thing out-of-the-way. This is not a good horror movie. It is laughably bad at times, with horrendous acting, but i'm a lover of cheesy films, especially horror. The killer himself is rather average looking. He's hidden for the most part with a trench coat and a hat on. The gore is a different story. There are some truly nasty things in this movie. A student is cut in half, a woman gets drilled with an Axe repeatedly. Someone gets decapitated with a chainsaw, and much more. My favorites are the water-bed death, and the last scene, which I won't spoil. Ever see a woman pee herself during a stalk scene? You'll see it here. With movies like this, I tend to ignore the plethora of plot holes, but there is one I couldn't ignore. The two cops in the beginning are inexplicably stupid. How is it that there is no conjecturing, whether the boy could be the culprit? They let him go free without even looking into it. He was the only one in the house when his mother was killed, so you would think they would look into the boy being the murder. The acting is what you would probably expect. Christopher George is enjoyably corny as the Lt. His gruff persona was at least fun to watch, if nothing else. Lynda Day George is certainly sweet, and very easy on the eyes. She overdoes the hysterics in a big way, though. (Here is an example. BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD!!!!!) Ian Sera is OK as Kendall, but it is hard to rate his performance, since he is dubbed. Edmond Purdom is pretty poor as The Dean. His thick English accent felt out of place. The killer is very easy to predict. I'll be shocked if you don't figure out who it is, early in the movie. They try to throw you off guard, but it doesn't work. The shock ending is utterly pointless in every way. It is unrealistic and absolutely laughable with what they do. Very gory, but very stupid as well. Another carp I have with this film is that it does get a bit talky sometimes. I wouldn't call it boring, but it definitely becomes less interestingFinal Thoughts: If you love cheesy horror movies like I do, you'll most likely find things to enjoy about this film. If you are expecting Schindler's List, you may want to get your head examined. What can I say? I have a soft spot for this film, and I am not ashamed of it5.4/10