Teenage Cocktail
Teenage Cocktail
| 12 March 2016 (USA)
Teenage Cocktail Trailers

Feeling confined by their small town and overbearing parents, Annie and Jules hatch a scheme of running away. The only issue is, they need the money to get there. Jules suggests the couple try webcam modeling. Although she’s nervous at first, Annie can’t argue when the money starts rolling in. But as the girls soon find out, consequences can blindside you. Sometimes violently.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
SnoopyStyle Annie Fenton (Nichole Bloom) is a new student at school. She gets into trouble with the other girls and is befriended by dancer Jules Rae (Fabianne Therese). They begin a relationship. Jules introduces Annie into the world of cam girl.This is basically a Lifetime cautionary movie of the week troubled teens movie. The two leads are great although they're probably not teens. That's not a big deal. The tension is never that high. The drama is running at a lower gear which is not a good thing for this movie. There is one scene where I have real problems. I don't know who Tom is to Annie. He's either a step-dad or dad-dad. It makes a difference. I don't understand his action and he needs to be set up better. It's lazy story telling. There is a bit of that in this movie. Outside of the girls and Annie's mom, the other characters are nebulous and they aren't set up well. Then there is the crazy ending which doesn't fit the rest of the movie. A shootout in this type of movie seems to be a cop-out.
i SkyWalKing I understand it's a low budget film and I have NO issue with that, but the audio editing is GOD AWFUL and almost unbearable. I don't need to hear people chewing and munching and crunching non stop throughout the film. And there are MANY of these scenes. Why are the chewing and clinging sounds of spoons on plates at the dinner table ENHANCED to the same level as the dialogue, music etc? There is one note of audio through-out the film. From every creak of furniture to gulping of water, sniffing, scratching of pants, breathing, and just all types of unpleasant everyday audibles that DO NOT need to be enhanced on film...unless there is a purpose to it. This just felt like lazy audio editing.When it got to a scene where she was eating chips, i literally had to fast forward it a bit which was frustrating to do. I was seriously getting aggravated, I don't usually have such low tolerance for many films, but this one triggered me. This might seem like I'm making a LOT out of nothing, but these details are important and can make or break a film in many ways. The lead girl was also extremely agitating in her mannerisms and passive aggressive stupidity and naivety. She was not likeable in any way shape or form. I felt NO sympathy for her. That in and of itself does not make a film bad because that could (and I'm assuming was) done intentionally, but the overall combination of unlikable and downright irritating characters topped off with the infuriating sound effects made this a crappy film experience for me.
Moviecritic I try to give some independent films a chance, but 99% of the time they are just bad. This is no exception. The acting is bad. The writing is bad and the direction is bad.First, the actress playing the lead's mother is actually only 10 years older than the lead actress. What on earth were the director thinking? Actor playing the dad is 14 years older. Really? And the problem is, they look those ages and the director made zero attempt to age them in any way.Can we stop having 30 year old actresses play 16-18 year old? it is a frequent occurrence in too many films.Actors tend to overdo everything so it is up to the director to bring them down a few notches. There was no real initial reason for Annie's fascination with Jules. Seeing her dance for 5 seconds? Going to New York, why? Because the local waitress used to go to their high school...Stealing mints? What? Are there any films left based in reality? the money looked so fake and why do they have cash if it's online payments? Made ZERO sense.The writing is unimaginative and wooden. Didn't keep my interest for more than 40 minutes. It was painful. Please don't let the director make any more films...
egyptiancotton Spoiler alert! Well not really description says teens trying to get away from overbearing parents? Previews shows girls performing on a webcam at one of the girls home? Is it just me or those too things don't go together? Overbearing parents just not around when girls are shooting soft core porn? U never meet one of the girls parents. I was off on martin luther king day and thought what the hell. The two girls relationship and the mother daughter relationahips worked nothing else done and the ending is not plausible and felt rushed. That being said the movie exceeded my expectations i would rate the movie a little better than a lifetime movie.two female leads and whoever plays the mom can have careers after this movie other actors shouldn't quit their day jobs. I never expect much from these low budget independent movies this one is better than the others ones i have watched. If your not bored watched something else.