Bring It On Again
Bring It On Again
PG-13 | 13 January 2004 (USA)
Bring It On Again Trailers

When new students can't get onto their college cheerleading team, they form their own squad and prepare for a cheer off.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
hnt_dnl I love the original Bring It On, a fun, witty, lively look at rival cheerleading squads and I do think that most sequels aren't as good as the originals and don't expect them to be as good, but at least to have elements of the original to draw the viewer in. This movie, BRING IT ON AGAIN, is the ANTI-Bring It On! It is joyless, unfunny, witless and unlike the talented stars of the original, the stars in this turgid sequel have no personality whatsoever. There isn't a funny character, scene, or even moment in this movie.While the original was about high school cheerleaders, the premise (if you can call it that) here is about college cheerleaders. What's weird is that in Bring It On, the stars (Kirsten Dunst, Gabrielle Union, Eliza Dushku) were playing high schoolers but looked and acted older, while here these supposed college-age girls (Andrea Judson-Yager, Bree Turner, Faune Chambers) could easily pass for high schoolers, in both appearance and maturity level! The only real plus is when the 2 girls break off and form their own squad filled with those dormitory protesters. The movie started to get a little interesting, but again, the humor just wasn't there. But I will admit that the ending routine was fairly impressive. But kind of anti-climactic I would say. And that post-movie 80s song ending overlapping the scene goofs was not nearly as good as the one at the end of Bring It ON. Although I do prefer Pat Benatar to Toni Basil. But then again, who doesn't?!
mkblond OK so the first bring it on movie was NOT the best movie ever made, but at least it was good and made sense....bring it on "again" was in my opinion a sequel from hell...i mean, it's OK if people like this movie, but compared to the first one, it had really no point to it other than that the new cheerleader gets in a cat fight with head cheerleader, new cheerleader forms a squad of people who didn't even seem to know wut cheerleading was, in like, 3 days she trains them from freaks to actual cheerleaders, they oddly "win"....blah blah's storyline is like, the exact same as the first one. I mean, it wasn't required to have the same characters, but it should've at least had the same spunk and flare like the original...i'm sorry but i wasn't impressed by this movie at all...
markpaulovich Bring It On Again lacked the originality and flair of the first film. That's what it's problem was. It tried to be exactly like Bring It On and used the same format that the first movie used. The opening of both films were dream sequences of the main characters and something humiliating happening to them in the dream. Then both introduced us to the schools and the locations. Later, we get the audition scene that the first film has made a classic but the second film poorly imitated. Then the build up to the big final showdown and then the ending where the underdog wins somehow. Even the credits tried to be the same with the bloopers and text style.That seems to be the major problem...the sequel tried too hard to be like the first film and didn't have the style or energy the first did. It trudged along trying it's hardest, but lacked everything that made the first film great.The poorly written script, lacking the vivacity and cattiness of the predecessor, had no clever one liners or dialog. The direction was also terrible. There was no sense of personal style, but it seems as if they gave first year filmmakers some low budget cameras and told them to make it look like the first film. The cinematography slightly resembled BIOs style, but didn't have the flair that was introduced in the first.It seems Bring It On Again was made as a quick-buck scheme. It would've made much more money and would've been a much better film if they had most of the original cast signed on and a better script that could've placed the cast in a college or elsewhere and brought on the same collaborative team that helmed the first.Poor writing plus bad direction plus bad acting times unoriginality equals horrible strait-to-video sequels.
bradhadair34 Wow this movie was terrible. Compared to the first movie, it was the worst thing I have ever seen. Some moments were funny but the entire plot line was just a little too....cliché and rather stupid. The routines weren't nearly as good either. To follow the first movie, which combined routine-stealing and race issues, with this movie, with a plot that basically follows all cheerleader movies, is just bad. Bring it On is a movie that should be left alone, with no sequel, like the Mask. The central characters weren't in depth enough and it was just an all around bad movie. Also, there just wasn't enough diversity in this movie to me. Maybe that's just my opinion but this movie sucked.