Earth Angel
Earth Angel
PG | 04 March 1991 (USA)
Earth Angel Trailers

When a prom queen dies in 1962, her only means of entering Heaven is by returning to 1990 earth, to assist friends from her youth.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Dark_Lord_Mark One of my favs from the 90's. I saw this late one night in the mid nineties in NY around 1am on ABC 7. I was touched by the movie. Very nice concept. A nerd is a loser, but somehow the best girl in school likes him and then a tale of lost love.This was a joy to watch. It has BIG name starts from the 70's and 80's doing a made for TV movie which has disappeared from television.It's about a ghost who died on her prom day. It's about the classic nerd who somehow has a date with the hottest girl in school. But it is not meant to be as it is a love lost, but found 30 years later.Very nice movie. As a macho guy, this was touching. This is a nice movie to watch alone or with a girlfriend. I found the characters, the story and the plot very engaging. You can relate to characters in the movie easily, and you do root for them.I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! 10 out of 10! Done before? Yes, but never gets old.
jaderay262004 When i was a little girl i watched this with my family some one had recorded it or it was a original i am not for sure. But my daddy loved the movie and so did I. I took it to a friends house after i got much older well i forgot it over there so she was going to bring it to school.But The little town of pool ville i lived in caught on fire and my family got out lucky barley but my friends family along with many others lost there homes, along with the tape. My dad was heart broken and i have searched every where for this great comedy that warms my daddy's heart! My search is not over i will look until i can find it for my dad, i think everyone should watch this movie.It is so cute and funny and romantic.
short range angel I loved this film. It may seem a little corny but the plot is well thought out. I gave it a 10 out of 10 and would do again. It may not be a film packed with action or car chases but it is still well worth the watch. The performances from the actors and actresses should be recognised and loved
Tommar51 Modern day fairy-tale made believable by the the acting of Cathy Pode-well.The intertwoven relationships made this movie interesting and involved to say the least. However, the story was easy to follow and Cathy made it all fun to watch. What ever happened to Cathy Podewell??