The Goodbye Girl
The Goodbye Girl
| 16 January 2004 (USA)
The Goodbye Girl Trailers

Musical dancer on the way out (at 36) Paula McFadden had it swell with actor Tony DeSanti, but instead of taking her to Hollywood he gets a European movie part. He even sublets their (his) New York apartment to Elliot Garfield, who generously lets her stay, even keeping the master bedroom. Pragmatic pre-teen daughter Lucy soon takes to his charm, but Paula remains determined to hate all actors. Despite the stress of a Broadway Shakespeare lead he must play too queer for Frisco, he's determined to snatch romance from ingratitude.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
dan_par_dhs The 2004 remake of the 1977 version of the goodbye girl was in the least to say awful. Beside from the fact that the actors did not fit the roles very well, everything else was exactly the same. The camera angles along with the words spoken by the characters. It was like the people who decided to redo the movie didn't have enough brains to spice it up a little bit. The character of Paula got annoying as she cried through practically the whole movie. There were some funny moments in the movie and the fact that Jeff Daniels spoke much slower and clearly than Richard Dreyfus. The movie was in the least to say not very good and I would not recommend it to serious movie fans. I give this movie two out of five stars.
David Smith The 2005 remake of the film "The Goodbye Girl", was one of the worst movies I have ever seen and would not recommend this movie to anyone. I did not like this movie because the actors in this case being Jeff Daniels and Patricia Heaton had no chemistry. The movie didn't flow well at all it was like swimming through syrup. Another reason why this movie was bad is because the plot line of these two complete strangers all of sudden living together and then falling in love is so unrealistic its disgusting. The lone bright spot in this movie was Hallie Kate Eisenberg who played Lucy McFadden. She gave off a good sense of what it is like being a child of a single parent. She played her role very well. Besides that blip of goodness this movie was awful and I would not suggest wasting your time watching it.
schaeffler26 In my opinion, this was not a very good movie. The plot line had a love, fairytale thing going on that just plummeted my interest. Patricia Heaton acted very poorly. You could easily tell her actions and emotions seemed to be "forced". I didn't like how she complained about every single flaw in her life and depended on everyone else. I have some advice for her "get some acting lessons". As for Jeff Daniels, he is a much better actor than Patricia Heaton. Though I didn't like his character in the movie, i still think his acting was good. Hallie Kate Eisenberg is a decent actor. I liked how she seemed more mature and in control than her mom at times. I feel that this movie is not recommendable on any level. It didn't keep my attention from the very start.
Kristi Eble The little girl always seemed smarter and older than she really was. Her attitude bothered me. The only time that she acted like a ten year old was when she was crying. The character of Paula could have been a strong character but she seemed to depend on others to help her and to make her feel better, even her daughter. I did think it was funny. Especially the buffo part. I liked how fast the dialog went. Not to fast that it was hard to understand but not to slow either. One thing however that irked me was the fact that Jeff Daniels was naked behind a guitar. Ewww! Over all I felt that it was a pretty good movie and wouldn't mind watching it again.