I Went Down
I Went Down
R | 03 October 1997 (USA)
I Went Down Trailers

Fresh out of prison, Git rescues a former best friend (now living with Git's girlfriend) from a beating at the hands of loan sharks. He's now in trouble with the mob boss, Tom French, who sends Git to Cork with another debtor, Bunny Kelly, to find a guy named Frank Grogan, and take him to a man with a friendly face at a shack across a bog. It's a tougher assignment than it seems: Git's a novice, Bunny's prone to rash acts, Frank doesn't want to be found (and once he's found, he has no money), and maybe Tom's planning to murder Frank, which puts Git in a moral dilemma. Then, there's the long-ago disappearance of Sonny Mulligan. What's a decent and stand-up lad to do?

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lovefaithtruth Hi guys, Can someone please tell me the last exchanges of Git and Gleeson in the car on their way to the airport? What does Git say after Yes(she did suck...), I would too????? please please reply. also any other great IRISh recommends please do tell meits like not getting the last bit of the movie and feeling incomplete...so if someone understands this nagging feeling...and i don't want to talk so much but i have got to fill my ten lines for this comment to be up...so if u can find the time...just read the first three lines, they constitute the entire essence...now i am just filling space ...an
Johnny McGee A rare thing in Irish cinema ...an Irish movie that's not afraid to be authentically Irish. Where other movies attempt to tailor their image and dialogue to suit an American or British market this independent gem from Paddy Breathnach and Conor McPherson depicts believable characters acting and talking in a way that real Irish people would ...a great example being how seriously the lead duo consider the handling of a gun (guns are still not very easy to come across in Irish society and having one is a big deal. The screenplay has echoes of Tarantino and the Coen brothers while not being a slavish rip-off of either and essentially plays as a buddy, road movie; it even manages to include a scene in an Irish bog without seeming twee! Brendan Gleeson's star turn as bunny provides the perfect foil to McDonald's shy, pent-up lead and the movie manages to evoke laughter, sympathy and ultimately happiness as it winds it's way to a satisfactory, yet not overly sugar-coated, ending.Be warned ...I watched this film with my old Canadian flatmate and had to explain a lot of the 'Irish-ism's' in the dialogue as it went along so some of the humour may go over the heads of non Irish-viewers.
Keith F. Hatcher As a young lad at school in Southern London in the 1950s I found myself inculcated with the idea of the supremacy of being English, and that the Irish were so silly they only knew how to plant potatoes............Years later, from my friendly enclave retreat, hidden in the depths of peaceful Spain, I have noted how over the last twenty years the Emerald Isle has been doing some wonderful things in all spheres of life, especially with its valuable contribution as a member of the European Union.So I would prefer to do without trivial stupidities which are supposed to be some kind of comedy but which are no more than comical in bad taste, such as this pointless film `I Went Down', which, for some reason beyond me, seems bent on reaffirming those indoctrinations with which I was fed half a century ago.
mom-19 I found this movie playing in a cool little theater in Bar Harbor ME. Had never heard a thing about it but it sounded fun. What a great time. I can`t believe it hasn't gotten more attention. Definitley worth checking out.