The Wind
The Wind
| 23 November 1928 (USA)
The Wind Trailers

When Letty Mason relocates to West Texas, she finds herself unsettled by the ever-present wind and sand. Arriving at her new home at the ranch of her cousin, Beverly, she receives a surprisingly cold welcome from his wife, Cora. Soon tensions in the family and unwanted attention from a trio of suitors leave Letty increasingly disturbed.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Leonardo The wind Story Of A Young Girl With Her Fear The Wind. I Think No Movie After Or Before That Make This Kind Of Emotions . In One Side Is Young Girl And Other Side Is The Wind , Every Time Wind Comes She Freak Out If You Want Classic Movie With Powerful Ending See The Wind And You Never Remorse , Victor Make A Great Movie And Acting Is Great Too. Just See The Wind You Get Every Thing Without Any Dialog .
sagrat How and why is it that I am only just seeing this amazing film tonight (on TCM) for the first time?!?! Truly, a gorgeous piece of filmmaking. Though a silent film, each frame of this stunning film exudes volumes of dialog. Lillian Gish is not only radiantly beauteous, but Lars Hanson was powerfully moving. I hope that TCM will offer as many films by both of these actors as are available. As for the film, the cinematography was rich and inspired. And, for anyone who has never experienced being in a place where the wind can blow for days on end, this film does indeed capture the emotional effect such wind can have on a person ... all without any sound at all!! What else can I add except for DEEP and sincere appreciation of the herculean efforts of all in realizing this film!! If you haven't seen this film, by all means do! If you already have, see it again ... or better yet, add it to your home collection.
Polaris_DiB Too often Lillian Gish is associated solely with DW Griffith, despite a career spanning 75 years and her own unique talents. The Wind is an example of what Gish is all about, being that she championed (basically produced) the whole thing, script, director, and all.Victor Sjostrom is mentionable as well, providing a unique and poetic visual background for the story. The funny thing about sand is that it's very film-friendly in subject (though perhaps not so friendly to the equipment)--think film grain, think Woman in the Dunes, think Lawrence of Arabia. Here he creates a claustrophobic snow-globe out of it, literally blocking the action around where the sand blows. Superb use of double-exposure, especially while over Gish's writhing, demented face, is about as close as cinema has gotten to true nightmare feeling until Deren made Meshes of the Afternoon.The ending is rather unfortunate. The story goes that it was forced to be a happy ending by the studios, and whether that's true or not, it clearly doesn't fit the tone or the theme. It's an awkward reversal of everything that's been built up previously, and it leaves a bad taste in ones mouth.But the rest of the film is pure cinematic glory. A must see, honestly.--PolarisDiB
Michael_Elliott Wind, The (1928) **** (out of 4) Victor Sjostrom's haunting, masterful and claustrophobic film has been called the last great Silent film and I must agree with that and much more. Lillian Gish plays a young woman from Virginia who travels to the West to stay with family members but she's eventually kicked out and forced to marry a man (Lars Hanson) she doesn't love. The only thing worse is the gusting winds, which are slowly causing the woman to lose her mind. This is without question one of the greatest films I've ever seen and I'd probably go a bit further by saying it's the most suspenseful film I've ever seen. I started with all my fingernails but as I write this I have none left and in fact my fingers are hurting from where I've bitten them down so badly. The Carl Davis score perfectly captures the haunting setting of the dessert and Sjostrom's direction is so masterful that the film manages to be haunting and poetic at the same time. There are numerous great scenes in this film but I suppose to final wind storm is probably the most famous and it remains one of the greatest scenes from any movie I've watched. The brilliant lighting and haunting score really pack a terrific punch as the suspense continues to grow as the young woman fights for her life from not only the wind but another stranger. The special effects are still brilliantly done and look so much more realistic than that crap, which we call CGI today. The studio forced them to shoot and use a new ending, which probably isn't as good as the original but I still think it works quite well and doesn't ruin the picture at all.Gish turns in one of her many great performances and it's still rather amazing at how she could display innocence, horror and desperation just with a simple look. She's terrific in the film and perfectly sales her abused and tortured character. Lars Hanson is equally good as his character shifts a lot of gears throughout the film. Montagu Love is perfect as the villain who wishes to do Gish more harm than anything else. I read a little on this film and noticed that in 1928, a year after the release of The Jazz Singer, people used this film as proof that you didn't need sound to make a film work and I think this still holds very true. I've seen countless silent movies but this here is certainly among the greatest and this film is proof that you don't need sound to build any type of emotion. Movies are to be watched and the visuals are always the most important thing and you aren't going to find many movies that top this one in the visual side. The scenes of the wind blowing the sand onto the windows is perfectly done as are the moments with the "ghost horse". As I think more about the film the more I'm wanting to call it flawless and it's certainly earned a spot in my top ten or fifteen of all time. A truly remarkable piece of work that shows the power of the format.
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