My Honor Was Loyalty
My Honor Was Loyalty
| 01 June 2015 (USA)
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Captain Ludwig Herckel a devoted and patriotic soldier of the SS Leibstandarte fights in every major conflict from the Eastern front to the battle of the bulge. Fiercely loyal to his country and his brothers in arms, loved by his men, Herckel will face his greatest battle yet when he discovers the truth about the Nazi regime.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
s3276169 My Honor Was Loyalty is an insight not only into the mindset of the defeated during WWII but also why all soldiers fight. When all else is lost, soldiers fight for their families and loved ones, not for political ideology. This is a point well made in this film. What it also shows is the wastefulness and cruelty of war. People needlessly killing one another who simply want to return home. Some have criticised this film for focusing on allied war crimes (which are well documented) but if they had bothered to watch the film in entirety it does show crimes committed by German troops as well. This is B grade fair. That said, given its budget I think it does extremely well. The acting is solid and the combat scenes convincing. A free handed camera approach is taken that some don't like but if you have ever seen actual war footage its always of this kind. For me it adds a sense of realism a lot of films lack. I like this film and I can recommend. Its does extremely well with the resources it has and the story is both touching and convincing. Seven out of ten from me.
Robert Vanleeuwen While it wasn't as seamless a movie as I'd normally like. It was a good portrayal. There were a few language issues and this movie would have been excellent in true languages, fluent German is what I kept wanting to hear and it's honestly the only reason it took me 3 days to watch. The film itself was in high quality and pleasing to look at. Not to mention the message was important. You who judge against these men are the trash, not them. The sacrifice made by the German soldiers to defend their homes and their homeland, not to mention, arguably rid the world of an even worse regime in Russia - while we the US called Russia (40 million killed in genocide, much more than Germany) - our Ally is completely stupid. This movie reminds us that we are looking at this all wrong. Stop looking at the political case and start looking at the human one. Deep and powerful. Highly recommend. once they put the true languages in. LOL It'll be on my shelf.
mrgarabaldi I watched this movie and yes the acting could have been better, but the gear was pretty realistic, Yeah the Tanks were cover over T55's but they tried to use the correct gear for the Germans, Russians and Americans, which is more than a lot of war movies have done. The savagery shown especially on the eastern front the Germans shooting wounded Russians did happen quite a lot, and the Soviets especially the NKVD would do the same to Germans. Less than 10,000 Germans came back from Soviet Captivity. The movie shows an individual soldier perspective and the relations to "his Kamaraden". The movie shows a soldier fighting for his friends and no longer for the cause.
musattac More of a 8 or 9 but I rated it a 10 to counter balance the uber PC voters.It seems that a lot of reviewers have a hard time with this movie because it doesn't have a clear cut good vs. bad story. Sorry, if that is what you were looking for, watch Star Wars. Good vs. Bad only truly exists in the fictional world.Most soldiers from the various armies were simply doing their best to survive. All sides committed horrendous atrocities and that is what this movie tries to get across to its audience. If you don't agree, do a google search for the "bombing of Dresden", "Rape of Nanking", "Bombing of Nagasaki", etc.... There are no good guysThat said, I started this movie expecting to waste a couple of hours on another stupid war flick. About 20 minutes into the movie, I was sure I was wasting my time. But slowly the movie drew me in making it clear how the soldiers on the front felt. Depression, hopelessness and loneliness. The director is able to turn your emotions if you give him time.In addition, the uniforms, equipment and historical timeline were are accurate which isn't common in most war movies anymore.Both depressing and worth watching.