Frankie & Alice
Frankie & Alice
R | 04 April 2014 (USA)
Frankie & Alice Trailers

A drama centered on a go-go dancer with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and begins working with a psychotherapist to uncover the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ShangLuda Admirable film.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Goddess T'fini OK when I discovered F&A I thought: don't recall seeing promotions or trailers WTFugg . . . its Halle berry! Next I read the DVD cover's summary/movie description, and decided to dig in. HB acting gets better & betterI'm glad she's doing more depth films like other actresses-not typical, predictable stories and she always adds a little twist to make it interesting :DIMDb shows movie did not do so good at box office-no shocker since I had no clue it existed and normally hb movies are big deals and get hype. Wonder how much she got paid to do this & could it have been more of a Lifetime movie network piece? Some silver screen films starring black leads, seem like they are not promoted As Much- unless there's a white co-star. I could be wrong but that's my thought. Despite a couple tiny lags,overall movie held my attention and moved quickly. F.Y.I. 2 signs of a decent film: A. u forget you're watching a flick B. u hardly notice time ticking by boom- 1.75 hours spent watchingP.S. wasn't 'kidnap' was re-released twice this summer- deja vu
marinkojason Not tremendous not bad above average for certain. I recently watched Stellan S in Nymphomaniac vol 1&2 and I enjoy his performances more every time I see him and this movie is no exception as a doctor who reconnects with his professional passions while seeking to help the dual personality conflicted Frankie (Berry) a bit of mystery in this as well will keep you wanting to know what happens til credits also a good initial watch especially if you enjoy starring roles of Halle Berry where see gets to display her range as an actress in dramatic roles that do more than simply showcase her beauty exp Monsters Ball. I like the time period as well as the insight to Frankie's profession in that era as well and enjoyed the the how did it aspect of this movie.
Emma Dinkins I did not realize that Frankie and Alice was a 2010 film until I looked it up at IMDb. Although, I did notice while viewing the film that Halle looked incredible and youthful as the lead character in the title role of Frankie. This is the second time that Ms. Berry has been on screen as an exotic dancer, she was less memorable in that short lived role in The Last Boyscout. Frankie Murdock (Halle Berry) comes across as someone who knows what she has to do to survive her circumstances how to pick a mark to get paid and even hands out vocational advice to coworkers. We find out however, through her erratic behavior it is revealed that she is not as well put together as she first seems. I knew from the trailer that the film dealt with multiple personality disorder or whatever is the current clinical name for split personalities, so the film The Three Faces of Eve came to mind as I attentively watched the story unfold. Through a series of flashbacks we see Frankie as a child and a young woman and eventually learn and understand the root of her mental illness as she undergoes treatment with Dr. Oz (Stellan Skarsgard). I would love to see Mr. Skarsgard step outside of his character, he has this Zoolander approach to acting, no matter what persona he is portraying it's always the same look. Ms. Berry on the other hand was on point she was emotionally engaging, showing a range that was both compelling and evoked compassion for what her character had endured. Her personality was splintered; her experiences caused her coping mechanisms into overdrive. Halle Berry proves that the title of 'Oscar winner' is well deserved. She played the role very convincingly with Oz and against the other key characters in the film her mother Edna (Phylicia Rashad) and her sister Maxine (Miranda Bailey oops, I mean Chandra Wilson). I enjoyed this story because it was interesting and not a new construct, it was nice to see the bad guy in the usual places, but to find a completely unexpected bad guy in this film was bittersweet. The first half hour or so became a bit annoying with all the jumping around, but not enough to reduce the entertainment value.
almostallperch You can criticize me for writing a review without seeing the entire film, but I had to exit at the 45-minute point (the first time Halle -- an actress I usually admire -- morphed into baby-talk) because it was all too excruciating. The script is embarrassingly bad, and somehow the director managed to make all of the actors look bad (as if the cheap wigs they were wearing didn't do the job already). Why oh why did an Oscar-winning actress choose a project this bad??? I know this movie is struggling to get released. The fact is, the critics will savage it. This one belongs in the bottom of the barrel of the bargain basement bin of your local boarded-up Blockbuster Video. (insert groan)