NR | 21 June 2009 (USA)
Salvage Trailers

When a container washes ashore the residents of a sleepy cul-de-sac are plunged into violence, terror and paranoia. Ring fenced by the military a single mother must overcome all the odds to save her daughter.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Phillip Tomasso III Salvage (Rated R) is a British horror film directed by Lawrence Gough, written by Colin O'Donnel and Alan Patterson. I had it in my queue for some time. The movie cover was 220px-Salvage_DVD_coverappealing, but for some reason I kept shying away from watching it. Granted, I have over 145 movies and shows currently in queue, but that is neither here nor there.The premise is simple. It is the morning of Christmas Eve. Clive (Dean Andrews) is taking his daughter Jodie (Lindzey Cocker) to stay with her mother, Beth (Neve McIntosh). The couple divorced a while back. Jodie prefers to stay with her father. She wants nothing to do with her mother, blames the failed marriage on her, and can't help but feel abandoned.The news indicates that a shipping container was found on a nearby beach. Military helicopters are flying everywhere. When Jodie gets to her mother's, and after a last-ditch effort to stay with her father, she lets herself into Beth's house. Upstairs she finds her mother having sex with Kieran (Shaun Dooley), and flees to stay a few doors down at a friend's house.Turns out the shipping container contained a genetically altered person who is now a killing monster. The military fill the small town, ordering people to stay inside. The monster begins picking off neighbors and military personnel. Beth's main concern is finding and keeping safe her daughter.At 79 minutes, the movie is thrilling. The action is tight and I caught myself jump more than once. The acting was excellent. McIntosh was outstanding. I expected "Jodie" to be more of a focal point based on the beginning, but it id McIntosh and Dooley who own the movie. The dialogue is crisp and intense. The new way I am judging movies is by if I play with my phone during them. This film, Salvage, I did not. I am giving it 7 out of 10.Best Selling Zombie Author, Phillip Tomasso
gavin6942 When a container washes ashore the residents of a sleepy cul-de-sac are plunged into violence, terror and paranoia. Fenced in by the military, a single mother must overcome all the odds to save her daughter.I really have little to say about this film. From the description on Netflix, I figured it would be something like "The Host". Maybe I should be glad it was not (unlike many horror fans, I was not a big fan of that Korean attempt at monster movie fun). But this was no prize, either.While I did not find the story all that interesting, and really not even worth commenting on, I will make one observation: it looks good. Knowing what I know about how the film was shot and edited, I am impressed with just how professional it looks. Sure, I have seen other films look great, too (John Pata's "Dead Weight"), but I hardly expected it here.
mwezzi For a movie just over an hour long, with some clear budget restraints, this is one of the better horror shorts I've seen. It's fairly solidly acted and, where makeup and other effects were limited, this was compensated for with camera-work that left people guessing, adding to the overall atmosphere. Highly suspenseful at times and with an appropriately minimalist approach to incidental noise and music, the overall film is well-made.My main issues are more character-related, particularly with regard to the the daughter - to me she came out as a thoroughly dis-likable character and I didn't actually care about whether she survived or not by the end. The soldiers' abilities also seemed questionable, one moment ambushing anything that moves even slightly and, next minute, incapable of spotting a woman staggering none-too-stealthily all over the street whilst sobbing, calling people, rattling doors and so on. However, if you are able to overlook these odd character traits, this is well worth a watch.
declanio I'm rather perplexed by the fact most of the reviews on here go on about the lack of budget, albeit in a positive way. Yes it's not exactly Avatar in terms of spending on effects etc but the cost isn't something that's terribly relevant with this movie. The limited setting - most of the action takes place in a cul de sac - adds to the claustrophobic feeling. And the gore when it comes has the claret flowing with gusto and looks pretty convincing.I did struggle a couple of times to understand the dialogue - a combination of muffled voices and regional accents - and although on one occasion this seemed to be a pretty key piece of information, in all it was fine.Definitely worth checking out and I shall be following the director's work with interest