Curse of the Witching Tree
Curse of the Witching Tree
NR | 19 May 2015 (USA)
Curse of the Witching Tree Trailers

An innocent woman, accused of murdering her son and hanged as a witch, curses a tree and the children who play around it. The effects of this act of revenge echo through the years .....

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
redrobin62-321-207311 Really, there is not one original frame in this flick. Not one. You've seen everything here before and you can see what's going to happen from 10 miles away.At the risk of giving out spoilers, I won't go into the details. Let's just say that this is a poor man's Amityville Horror or The Shining or...any countless other haunted house films made in the past 100 years or so.The good news is I won't remember how unoriginal and uninteresting this film was 10 minutes from now. How come I didn't give the movie a 1? The cinematography wasn't too shabby; did kind of look like digital film, though which, truth be told, just does not for a film-look make. Digital video has its place in music videos and commercials, but in movies, a less-clean, slightly-muted look is preferable. All involved tried their best with the lousy, unoriginal script they had. Could've been worse, but also could've been better.
lazylob Don't get me wrong, i'm British and i like nothing more than watching a home-grown movie. But this... I don't know where to start, the acting is like watching a school play, over exaggerated movements which are comical, the dialogue is stilted and amateur. Some members of the cast are supposed to be school children and plainly look about 25, it's insulting and unbelievable. Technically it's.... well i don't know, it's..... not technical at all. The dialogue is all captured using ambient microphones, you can barely hear the dialogue in places due to traffic, bird song or the wind. The whole thing is shot in what appears to be a lovely country house but whomever actually owns it (probably one of the producers, director or 'mate of') has obviously blown all their money purchasing or renting the property because inside the refurbishment is as poor as the acting. Who the hell would spend 3 million on a house and then put a 'Beko' fridge in it? The floor coverings, doors, door frames and skirting boards are straight out of a 90's new build house and not fitting at all with the period of the house. All in all i'd say the first 1,000 people who rated this movie are friends and family of the people who worked on it, certainly not the people who worked on it themselves because i doubt that would amount to more than 35 including the cast. What Budget? What script? What lighting? what score? What sound engineer?It's like something produced by First year Bradford film School students, and that's an insult to Bradford Film School students as to date, they've not produced anything this appalling to my knowledge
seank502001 I really enjoyed this movie. It was a bit slow to start, but I actually appreciate the character development. The performances were great, and the creepy parts were very creepy. The plot is not extremely original, but I like the take that they have taken on the old revenge ghost story. I have been liking British horror much more than American lately, and this is no exception. If you are a fan of well-made, suspenseful horror as opposed to the in-your-face gore and blood that most people make today, this is a good choice for a nice night in. My only complaint is that the ending was a bit fuzzy to me. Took me a couple times to completely understand what was going on, but still definitely worth the time. I'm in no way wishing for my hours back. Well done, all that were involved!
sully_online We bought this as a Friday night pizza and beer type film designed to be cheap fun. Instead we got a surprisingly high quality chiller. The Curse of the Witching Tree is a slow burn horror that's clearly meant to suck you in.Avoiding the standard gore fest style of things like Saw and Hostel this instead goes for a chilling, atmospheric approach more akin to The Others. There are no big budget special effects, instead you are drawn into a family in turmoil, their tension building as yours does, when they try to draw the line between the everyday horrors of life and the supernatural ones that are unwittingly unleashed.It is a low budget film, hence the price, but it's much more than just a shlock horror. Instead you have a decent story, decent acting, decent shots – all in all a good looking film that well deserves a watch.