The Irrefutable Truth About Demons
The Irrefutable Truth About Demons
| 01 May 2000 (USA)
The Irrefutable Truth About Demons Trailers

In the place between what you know, and what you fear, demons rule. All hope is stripped away as demonic forces overcome you. Dr. Harry Ballard has just unearthed the essence of evil. He’s a marked man, a living sacrifice, thrown to the depths of the demon world. At his side is a beautiful young woman – an ex-cult member who’s experienced their immeasurable power.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
tenebrae If you like your low budget horror-fests check this one right out.The cast seems quite slim and of what characters do exist, they seem to spend their time running around streets and areas in dead of night and in places which we would probably never visit ourselves at that time of night, so it's night to see them on film and get that deep dark gritty feeling without actually having to be there.Just the way it should be for an atmospheric horror.Obviously made on a low budget, a mixture of Satanism, the esoteric, murder and of course demons as the title suggests, but after the initial slowish pace of the first 20-30 mins, there's plenty to keep the viewer on edge for the rest of the movie.Definitely a must-watch for B-movie fans.
ParcheesyLetter14 I was up late one night watching Sci-Fi and I stumbled upon this flick. I recommend it if you want to see some wild make up ideas and a bit of...fantasy, mostly involving anatomy. i.e. someone ripping your heart out and it miraculously being back in your chest. How's that possible? Go watch the movie and hopefully you won't be disappointed. I do however believe that it probably could of been put together better but that's not necessarily my judging. It's something that will make you think if you believe in such things of the sort, heaven and hell most of all. But then again, isn't anything possible? It's all a matter of faith and being naive enough to see a demon chasing you. I'd watch it again, out of pure boredom most likely.
dddvvv I have seen the DVD version of this movie which includes interviews, trailers and other interesting stuff. It is the director himself that sates this is a low budget b-movie. It took no more than 6 weeks to get the whole thing completed. This should be enough to get rid of the major complaints about the 'not so' special fx. Anyway the movie shows nothing new about the plot and nothing new about the characters but all of the actors took their roles seriously, offering good acting performances, especially Karl Urban and Katie Wolf. Photography is gloomy and dark as it has to be, there are plenty of fast and violent action scenes and a lot of occult symbolisms that make this movie a good product (in its genre, of course).
umyde We all know more or less what to expect when announced a horror movie coming either from Australia or New Zealand. B-series, in that wonderful 1970's tradition, have survived only there. In the case of THE IRREFUTABLE TRUTH ABOUT DEMONS, modern technologies and punk imagery have caught up with the genre. I would say it is worth seeing, it has not lost its raw horror spirit, even if updated into nothing really new.