The Retreat
The Retreat
R | 28 October 2005 (USA)
The Retreat Trailers

A group of college students travels to the cottage of their psychology professor Barren in an isolated island as a reward of their teamwork in the research of Barren. They expect to spend the weekend with lots of sex, but a serial-killer turns their party in a nightmare.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
FilmFatale The above line of dialogue pretty much sums up this low budget slasher film. Although the acting is bad and the plot twist is inane, I did find a few positive things in this dreck. First off, we get a twist from the typical summer camp slasher, as this is a winter camp slasher. A group of students has been helping their professor with a semester long research project. To thank them, the prof sends them to a weekend retreat at his remote Michigan cabin. Which leads to the second positive: a LOT of people get killed, and it starts pretty quickly. There's even some decent gore, considering the micro budget. But on the bad side, almost all of the murders are shown twice. What the heck?? This film is twenty minutes too long anyway, so it's all just padding. In a nod to the classic 80s slashers, we do get boobs and sex, so combined with the gore and high body count, this wasn't a terrible way to spend an evening. Still, it's mostly inane and recommended for fans of slashers and overdone Michigan accents.
Horror_Fan01 This movie, i ordered from Amazon. I received it a few days ago and watched it. It was really good, and really fast paced. I counted and 4 characters die in about 45 seconds. So there is not really that much character development, except for Chole, Nicole, and Mark. Other than that, it was a really great thriller. Love how the killer from Urban Legends was in this!! Chloe was my favorite in this! She was so tough and funny. When she was trying to beat up the killer - i was laughing so hard! Also when they turn on the 80's electro music, was pretty funny! One thing that really made me mad, is the ending, i knew who the killer was, as soon as the movie started, it's really obvious. There are 2 twists, 1 is VERY predictable and number 2 might just confuse you. Anyways great movie, lot of gore, fast paced....definitely worth a look.
nickilancaster Me and my boyfriend rented this "horror" film (thank goodness we didn't actually buy it and waste more money.) Well to start off the acting was terrible and so was the actual story and you realise how pointless it all was at the end when you realise that it was all a dream the students were having. How dumb an idea is that, its like they didn't know how to end it and all they came up with was this crap ending, it was all a bad dream, how lame. You could tell it was a low budget film with the bad direction and script. All the characters were so annoying and i wish they had actually died, they didn't have a brain between them. The "killings" were terrible too, and i know that the killer takes a while to die like in most films but how many times does he need to get shot and hurt to actually die? Don't waste your time or money!
wrlang Silent Scream is about a group of college kids that get caught up in their professor's experiment. The class discusses psychological disorders and reality as the professor takes them on a real trip down the shared subconscious. A touch of Jason and some other slasher films along with screaming coeds. While some of the plot is more unique than most of today's horror films, it is a little humorous in some places where it shouldn't be. Most of the scenes are easy to tell what's going to happen and I think it is meant to be that way so you're surprise by the double twist at the end. Some cheap film effects work to a small degree, but they are overdone. The DVD cover was what caught my eye, so there's a lot to be said for presentation. All in all, not too bad a film. A solid B in my book.