Crooked House
Crooked House
PG-13 | 22 December 2017 (USA)
Crooked House Trailers

A private investigator helps a former flame solve the murder of her wealthy grandfather, who lived in a sprawling estate surrounded by his idiosyncratic family.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Andres-Camara Me refiero a que, una película de intriga, tiene que tener intriga, suspense, emoción, aventuras, esta película no tiene nada de eso. El detective, es el detective menos inteligente del mundo. No tiene ni una frase que te diga que está avanzando. De hecho yo pensaba que le habían puesto a él porque no parece muy listo, como dice la nieta en un momento en la película. Es el primer detective de la historia que no tiene que correr aventuras en ningún momento de la película. Esos momentos en los que investiga y casi le ven.Los actores están bien, salvo el detective. No me gusta ese detective, no es un detective. La iluminación esta estupenda. Si es una película de gran presupuesto y eso se nota. Ayuda contar la película, a meterte, pero hay otras cosas que te sacan.El director, no me gusta, no ha sabido hacer una película policiaca. No ha sabido usar la cámara. No sabe contar con la cámara. Los planos son básicos o incluso feos. La película no aburre, pero no dice nada.Es como ver una película que cuando termina no sabes que te está contando, porque no te ha llegado. I mean, a movie of intrigue, it has to have intrigue, suspense, excitement, adventures, this movie does not have any of that. The detective is the least intelligent detective in the world. It does not have a phrase that tells you it is moving forward. In fact, I thought that they had put him because he does not seem very smart, as the granddaughter says at one point in the movie. He is the first detective in history who does not have to run adventures at any time in the movie. Those moments in which he investigates and almost see him.The actors are fine, except for the detective. I do not like that detective, he's not a detective. The lighting is great. If it's a big budget movie and that shows. It helps to tell the movie, to get involved, but there are other things that take you out.The director, I do not like it, he has not known how to make a police movie. He has not known how to use the camera. He does not know how to count on the camera. The plans are basic or even ugly. The movie does not bore, but it does not say anything.It's like watching a movie that when it ends you do not know what is telling you, because it has not arrived
Larry Butchins Despite the lavish settings, some handy acting and dark theme portending something menacing (as all Agatha Christie stories should...) the movie falls short on so many levels. I said "handy" acting - not great, just acceptable. Glenn Close was not as good as I would have expected. In fact she seemed quite uncomfortable in her role and seemed to be working incredibly hard at her English accent. Max Irons was OK, but actually not very convincing as a "private eye" and the way the screenplay was built was somewhat confusing: who belonged to whom? Gillian Anderson was suitably OTT, but I felt that many of the actors were trying too hard. All in all, it lacked pace, it dragged and apart from the house, the direction was somewhat crooked.
sandcrab277 I don't object to glenn close not being english, i just object to her period...the snot nosed little boy that played eustice plays each role he's in the same way, no variety or scope...christine hendrickson as a former vegas dance girl is beyond belief...those breast cannot be contained in a dancers outfit...the martini girl is barely passable as a child and gillian anderson must have thought this role was an extension of some outer space odyssey... the guy that wrote the script should be barred from writing future ones....while he gets time period decor and table placings accurate, he doesn't have a clue how to form a clue ... dame agatha is rolling over in her grave laughing at this non-sense
vitachiel Too many potential murderers, too little time to put them in the spotlight. You just can't justifiably make a feature film based on an intricate detective story like this. The audience doesn't get any chance to fathom all the motives and clues and is left with a bunch of freak characters who all have their reasons, but are each allowed so little screentime that the viewer wouldn't care less who has done it. Maybe it would have been better to just skip a few of the characters in order to develop the subplots with more breathing time. Or just make a mini series out of it.