Swimming with Men
Swimming with Men
| 06 July 2018 (USA)
Swimming with Men Trailers

A man who is suffering a mid-life crisis finds new meaning in his life as part of an all-male, middle-aged, amateur synchronised swimming team.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
morrison-dylan-fan Going to get some presents in Birmingham for an upcoming birthday,I decided to treat myself to a visit to the oldest cinema in the UK (The Electric.) Being lucky the last two times in catching strong indie flicks, (Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool and You Were Never Really Here)I was happy to find that along with Abba-themed cocktails, an indie Comedy I've heard nothing about was screening,which led to me dipping into the pool.View on the film:Stripping the outline of The Full Monty for this adaptation of the real life Swedish Men's Synchronised Swimming team winning the World Championships, (they cameo in the movie)the screenplay by Aschlin Ditta dives into the unique "winning" status some British teams gain,where they trip at the final hurdle, but are treated like champions. Drawing British Sit-Com thumb-nail sketches of the team, Ditta spins an easy-going Comedy atmosphere linking the sports genre bonding of the team,with Scott finding fulfilment in the team work.Closing in on Scott's loneliness with stark close-ups, director Oliver Parker & cinematographer David Raedeker bring light to his life with colourful edits linked between each swim,and stylish underwater camera moves,which allows for the formation of each impressive synchronised move to be viewed. Holding the team together as his personal life goes out to sea, Rob Brydon gives a warm performance as Scott,with Brydon's breezy comedic skills making a splash, as Scott begins to swim with men.
andyge This is definitely a mainstream film with its eyes firmly on the box office... and there is nothing wrong with that!! It is to some extent comedy by numbers and you mayfeel manipulated and as if you have seen something similar before... however Aschlin Ditta does give the story some updated twists not least using synchronised swimming as the subject. This is reliable entertainment and there are a number of laugh out loud moments.The director Oliver Parker is a safe pair of hands and does bring some freshness and originality to the production. Great interaction between the actors especially Brydon, Mays,Graves, Carter,Akhar and Turgoose... although both Horrocks and Riley are wasted.There is a serious message in there about male loneliness and support but I would just go along and enjoy. A feelgood movie that should do well !
lesleyabloomer Just been to the Premiere of this movie in Edinburgh. Went with deeply sceptical friend who was laughing out loud from about 15mins in. Great actors just having a ball with a really good script and lots of laughs.
lonker I think the idea of the movie is nice and funny, the message too, but the realisation is poor. There is nearly no thrill, not deeper view into the single characters and some dialogs are more than cheesy. some interessting characters who telling some jokes are not enough to make a movie worth watching. wasted time.