Angora Ranch
Angora Ranch
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Angora Ranch Trailers

Justin is an ad executive whose father sends him on his first solo run to a place in Texas. While driving to his appointment Justin swerves to avoid a rabbit in the road and his car gets stuck in a ditch that just happens to be in front of the home of Jack and his loony senile father. After Jack's previous life partner died, he planned never to love again. Will this change?

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
hddu10 ...Paul Bright would absolutely take home that award--and apparently very happily, since that seems to be the subject matter of all his films. Like his other mess "Altitude Falling", the catastrophe has a weak premise of a young man who stumbles upon Paul who subsequently seduces him into a creepy old man-on-boy relationship. Weak acting, even weaker script and skin-crawling editing (lots of close-ups of Paul mugging for the camera) make this a must see for any pedophile...but something anyone with any sense of good taste will want to miss. I'm generously giving an extra star here since Paul did not show us his junk in this one (though they were sure to capitalize on several buttocks scenes with the young blonde actor...for which I hope he was paid VERY well, since he'll most likely need the funds to pay for all the therapy sessions to deal with all the simulated sex he had to have with Paul.
barndancer61 This film had every opportunity to become a good watchable moving film, but the opportunity was waisted. Where do I begin? I give most movies a benefit of the doubt and especially so for gay films because of the usual low-budget nature of their productions. Most gay films even with low production values, will have me rooting for them if the acting is at least passable, but this film turned me off right after the first bit of dialog was uttered after the opening credits. To say the acting was unconvincing is an understatement. I went into the film wanting to like it, but the acting was so bad (--no Abysmal) and painfully embarrassing to watch that I new it was going to be a waste of my time. Truly, the worst gay-oriented film I have ever seen. There was no excuse for it. The story had potential but I truly felt as if I were watching a web cam vid from some kid's bedroom computer on YouTube.
Nuriel Tobias Watch it only if awful gay movies make you giggle. In an awful way, that is. Not in any cultish or artsy sense of the terms "awful gay movies" and "giggle". Just good old fashioned All American (gay) awful. Did i say it's awful? It's awful. Someone should create a special prize for the best turn-off gay movie and not only give it to this one, but name it after it too. Invite your old, lonely, bad looking uncle for a cup of tea and a game of chess instead. Trust me. He won't like it either. And the young actor in the movie don't seem to like it much himself. He's doing his best to pretend that love is what he feels, but then you should see the man he falls in love with to better understand what a poor, poor casting can do to a cinematic love story.
Natureboy1 Just saw this film tonight in a one time benefit screening at the Arbor Theater in Austin, Texas. From there it goes to DVD. This is a cute film, really funny in places. It's really heavy on dialog, fortunately it's nicely written. Some of the acting scenes feel clumsy, a few emotional transitions don't feel right. But the actors are all appealing and the rabbits and other animals on the ranch where it takes place are a welcome addition. The film focuses on the two men and their love affair despite an age difference of 20 years and on their relationships with their fathers. This is a pleasant film, often funny, never boring. I would recommend it to gay audiences or straight ones. It is not sexually explicit, pretty tame.