Any Day Now
Any Day Now
R | 14 December 2012 (USA)
Any Day Now Trailers

In the late 1970s, when a mentally handicapped teenager is abandoned, a gay couple takes him in and becomes the family he's never had. But once the unconventional living arrangement is discovered by authorities, the men must fight the legal system to adopt the child.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
dragora116 What a wonderful film: Emotionally authentic, nimbly avoiding the sappiness and heavy-handedness of other similar stories, Any Day Now is a real diamond amongst the cubic zirconia world of Hollywood movies. The writing is lush and well-edited, shirking any extraneous bells and whistles; the characters are presented clearly and are captivating; the cinematography artful; and the direction gives breath to the actors and to the story.** One of my pet peeves has always been with a movie having the same writer/director. It usually means editing problems leading to a long-winded film that is more a self-indulgence than good story-telling. That is not the case here; a perfect exception.It should also not go without saying that Alan Cumming and Garret Dillahunt give outstanding performances, as do Frances Fisher, Alan Rachins and Gregg Henry (the consummate 'weasel'). But, Isaac Leyva is the heart of this movie. He not only gives a brilliant, quiet performance, but also captures your heart, drawing you in with every blink, smile, and furrowing of brow. I can't say enough about him; he is AWESOME!Also noteworthy is Mindy Sterling: what she does with her barley-two-minute role is proof positive that "there are no small parts,...". Brava!Engaging, beautiful, sad, loving...especially the ending: very unexpected choice and brilliant not to fall into either the 'people-pleaser' trap of the Hollywood 'happy-', or the ambiguous 'don't know what's going to happen-' endings. The film takes an unapologetic stand against a flawed system and the empowered people who perpetuate its shortcomings. Doesn't always happen in real life, but, it's good to see when some people are shown the consequences of their small-minded actions (regardless of whether they stem from pettiness or ignorance, or if they were purposeful, or just easier).A very human story.PS One downside to the movie, probably shouldn't mention it, but it really has no bearing on how good this movie is, so, please ignore the gawd-awful wigs, really just terrible. OK, that's all I'm going to say.
SnoopyStyle It's 1979 in Hollywood. Rudy Donatello (Alan Cumming) is a gay drag queen performer. He falls for Paul Fliger (Garret Dillahunt), a lawyer in the DA office. Rudy's neighbor is a drug addicted nuisance with Down syndrome kid Marco (Isaac Leyva). When she's arrested by vice, Rudy takes the kid in despite many obstacles.This is a gut-wrenching tearjerker. It really hits its stride when the gay couple takes in Marco. Marco is amazingly sweet which made all the struggles that much more compelling. I really felt Rudy's love for the kid. The only problem is the ending. Without spoilers, let's just say it was extremely unsatisfying. There isn't a finality that this movie needs.
mdg276 If I could give this movie 100 stars I would. I am a straight white female, was bored on a Saturday night, looking thru the Netflix. Saw it, put it in my queue. Watched a movie, was bored so I clicked PLAY on "Any Day Now". Needless to say I watched it 3x Saturday night, back to back. Then again Sunday afternoon. It is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I laughed, I cried, I got angry, I felt the "LOVE" some have talked about in other reviews. I cried again. And asked "WHY?" over and over. It is truly a shame there are so many closed minded people who will not see this movie. Like others have said, this movie STAYS with you. I too sat thru the credits each time I've watched it, shaking my head. And amazed at Alan Cummings acting in it. Now I want to seek out other movies he is in, and may start watching "The Good Wife". This movie is amazing. That is the only word I keep coming back to. I will be buying this on DVD or blue ray. This movie is a keeper for your library. PLEASE give it a chance and let it change your life like it did mine.
kwright-28 I wanted to watch this movie because Alan Cumming has a star turn and it sounded interesting. How good is the movie? It's excellent and wonderfully realistic. Story goes, Cumming is rather down and out but balks at social services taking custody of a prostitute's disabled child. How the story winds around the relationship Cumming's character has with his lover and the child is the hook here. Some of the characters seem stuck on or added for effect, but once again, this is Cumming's movie. This is not to say that the other actors aren't good or effective, but Cumming outshines them. The young man at the center of the story is limited. His character is bound by his disability. So, watch the movie because it's very good and if you haven't seen Alan Cumming in a unique role, this is your chance.