Into the Woods
Into the Woods
PG | 25 December 2014 (USA)
Into the Woods Trailers

In a woods filled with magic and fairy tale characters, a baker and his wife set out to end the curse put on them by their neighbor, a spiteful witch.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
MJB784 Visually it was very cool with terrific visuals and production design...but didn't anyone realize that all the songs sounded exactly the same in both lyrics and high pitched voices? That all the songs were basically the same tone and speech pattern where all the lyrics except the chorus were in one ear and out the other and sometimes different songs were playing at the same time sounding the same because every character and actor gave high pitched voices? Here's an example: "DAH DA DAH DA DAH DA DAH DA..INTO THE WOODS!!!..DAH DA DAH DA...INTO THE WOODS!"
reluginbuhl This movie is a musical which reworks the plots of several fairy tails and weaves them into one plot. The original unrealistic sugar sweet plot of each fairy tail is slightly amended to reflect the realities of life. This yields a heart achingly beautiful movie about the human condition. The music is somewhat modern, but nonetheless accessible and at times moving. The acting is very good. I love this movie!
Arnoud Meulendijks Those who understandably think this is a fantasy-horror movie are going to be disappointed and possibly very confused and disturbed. It's about dark psycho-social issues, or in other words : everyone's real life (=the woods) horror. Considering the analogy it's a clever idea to make this as a fantasy-horror movie, that's why i give it two points instead of one. But plenty of this in real life, don't want to go watch a movie for this. It's also spread on a bit too thick for my taste. B.t.w. the singing is part of the horror to ;).
Mihai Toma In a fantastical and magical world, a couple of classic fairy tales collide in an live action attempt to create something unique. Rapunzel's mother wants her beauty back so she tasks a baker to bring her what she needs in exchange for removing his family's curse. In the meantime, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood and Jack (the one with the bean stalk) have plans of their own in relation with the main story.It's a movie which tried to create something interesting but ended up with a huge pile of rubbish. It tried to be a comedy and a musical but failed miserably in both genres, laughter and musical delight being out of the question. Although it had an interesting cast, to say the least, it tried to tell a sub-mediocre story, but everything went in any direction, except the designated one. It makes you feel that you are watching a very low budget parody, with no clear purpose, which ultimately leads to a retarded finale which simply makes no sense (as the whole movie).It's bad in every possible way, its mere existence being a huge question for me, let alone why its cast accepted to play in such a misery.