Times Square
Times Square
R | 17 October 1980 (USA)
Times Square Trailers

When a 13-year-old girl befriends a defiant antisocial child of the streets, the mismatched runaways set off to the Big Apple to find their own adventure.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
preppy-3 I was one of the (very few) persons who actually caught this up a theatre back in 1980. The plot has a rich girl (Trini Alvarado) running away from a hospital with lesbian punk Nicky (Robin Johnson). They hang out in a curiously unmenacing Times Square (back in 1980 Times Square was VERY dangerous and unsafe). They become fast friends and become famous outlaws (or something). Top billed Tim Curry pops up as a DJ now and then.I was 18 when this came out so I was part of the target audience. I saw it with a friend of mine the same age. It was TERRIBLE! The plot was stupid and irresponsible (it makes running away from home look like a great thing), had a soundtrack that was the equivalent of someone hitting you on the head with a hammer, lousy acting (especially by Johnson) and was basically dull when not dumb. It was pretty obvious that this was a studio's attempt to sanitize punk rock and they threw in a lesbian angle to get the guys to come in (most of that material wasn't shot or was cut out completely). It bombed badly at the box office and was quickly forgotten. I heard this has a cult following among lesbians and it has been shown at gay and lesbian film festivals but really--it's pretty terrible. There are much better punk rock and lesbian films out there. A 1 all the way.
pamjacobs12 I grew up in the Detroit area - there was an underground punk scene in the city, but I didn't know much more about punk until I saw this movie.My name is Pam, and my best friend and I called each other Nicky and Pammy for months after seeing this movie. Great teen rebellion flick, great gritty scenes of NYC. The concert at the end is awesome - Damn Dog was my favorite song. Loved Trini Alvarado. Surprised she didn't do a lot more acting.I wish I still had the album; it is even better than the movie. I'm looking in used record stores for it, and hopefully will find it.
moonspinner55 Nothing within the musical scenario of "Times Square" rings true. The minutiae of the narrative (slim as it is) never matches up with the film's look, nor the soundtrack selections, nor the age-old theme about struggling talents hoping to break through. Two teenage girls (Trini Alvarado and Robin Johnson, both likable), who are patients in a New York City hospital, escape their confines and move into an abandoned warehouse; after attracting media coverage via a prominent disc-jockey, the kids become cult celebrities. Johnson, who resembles a young Joan Jett, comes on like a little punk rocker-in-the-making, so its surprising (and rather disconcerting) when her moment in the spotlight finally arrives and she's transformed into a New Wave caricature (or, perhaps, a "Rocky Horror" patron). The filmmakers here are clueless as to musical trends, and probably couldn't separate punk from pop or rock from New Wave if they were forced to. It's a lazy, disjointed fairy tale, a film so shallow that it never resembles what the story is meant to be about: young outcasts finding their voices and their freedom through music. For director Allan Moyle, it's all about putting on a show. Perhaps he'd seen too many Judy Garland pictures... *1/2 from ****
Nicolaus-4 Times Square was my favorite movie 20 years ago and I still love it today! I watched it again this weekend and now I can't stop thinking about it. It is such a shame that no one can find the deleted scenes. I would pay almost anything to see them.Robin Johnson was my hero as Nicky, and the proto-type for the kind of butch girl I've been attracted to ever since. I wish she was still acting. After hearing her on the commentary of the DVD, I wonder how long it took her to lose her New York accent. Does anyone know if she is gay?I still love the sound track and didn't even mind the obviously mismatched inclusion of the BeeGees song (my musical tastes are very eclectic)--I thought the lyrics went with the plot.Thanks to Allan Moyle for the great idea for the movie and to Robin Johnson for helping me out of the closet!
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