Lake Placid 3
Lake Placid 3
R | 21 August 2010 (USA)
Lake Placid 3 Trailers

A game warden moves his family to Lake Placid, once the site of deadly crocodile attacks. Locals assure him the crocs are gone, but his mischievous young son finds a few baby crocs and begins feeding them. They quickly grow into very big adults and start attacking the game warden's family and nearby town.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Leofwine_draca LAKE PLACID 3 is the third in the long-running series of disappointing creature features about B-movie actors getting munched on by crocodiles. The ones in this film vary in size and distribution, but they always end up biting down on badly-acting cast members in various cheesy interludes. I actually found this a little more enjoyable than others in the series, purely because it features the great Michael Ironside doing his thing as the town sheriff. Other notable cast members include HARD TARGET's Yancy Butler (who now has the worst voice in the world) and, for British TV viewers, Roxanne Pallett, of EMMERDALE fame. This was her breakout Hollywood role, but it merely involves her stripping naked for the opening sequence and quickly dying. Speaking of nudity, the unrated version features a rather large amount of it, more so than the bloodshed, so it's obvious the market being aimed at. Otherwise expect the usual trite dialogue and bad CGI.
Michael Ledo Try not to think to hard about the impossibilities of cold blooded prehistoric crocodiles not having to bask long hours in the sun. Don't think about the young boy who has fed these same crocs for TWO years without anyone noticing any crocodiles anywhere. Nor think about the giant crocs knowledge of household layouts or their ability to quickly move and navigate through dense woods. The monster size crocs look like they are made of rubber.The movie has a couple with a son move into a home when grandma dies. Grandma kept a chainsaw in the refrigerator. On the first day, the son finds the crocs and feeds them as pets, careful not to get too close. Unlike adults, boats, and automobiles, the crocs don't attack him. Dad is a wildlife ranger and mom is a Realtor. There is a sheriff who claims there are no crocs. The lake has been searched with sonar. The are four college kids out camping/ swimming on the lake. There is also a woman who is a guide for poaching elk who takes out a party which include one college kid searching for his girlfriend who is part of the said four. The story is simple. You could probably guess most of it by now and the only real question is who lives and who dies.The movie includes the standard 1980's three gratuitous nude scenes, including one early full frontal in the unrated version. One sex scene. PLOT SPOILER: The babysitter keeps her clothes on.
trashgang This is just another entry into the Lake Placid franchise that adds nothing new except more nudity and cheesy moments. Very strange for me is to see Michael Ironside in this stupid flick. What a downfall for him. Nevertheless, this is rather a cheesy and dull flick that it becomes laughable even as it isn't intended to be.If you start watching it you will be surprised to see full frontal chick teasing her boyfriend in the woods, well, to be exactly Lake Placid. So far no probs but once the guy gets naked and is entering the water and complains about the cold and his 'thing' getting smaller it really gets funny and to say it again cheesy. The girl goes on top of him to get him 'warm' again but he's been bitten by a croc. The girl doesn't get it and just goes on with f*cking. Then the guy is dragged into the water until his head is, well, you get the point, even then she things he's giving her a lickety clit, really, the croc is huge. And from there on this horror is full of stupid ridiculous moments. It did me think a lot of The Howling franchise, the further you move into it the more you think, what the hell. You get my point...Gore 1/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Effects 1,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
ctomvelu1 My God, a third one. At least this one is a TV movie. Colin Ferguson of "Eureka" plays a game warden who moves his family to Lake Placid. His son comes across baby crocs and begins feeding them. Before you know it, they have grown quite large and eat a poodle and then lots of people. Two crocs lay siege to the warden's home and its man versus supercrocs. Ferguson, who is so likable on "Eureka,' here is a cardboard cutout, as are Michael Ironside as a sheriff and Yancy Butler as a game hunter. The crocs are the usual SyFy Channel bad CGI. Some halfway decent gore, but no cigar for this absolutely unnecessary sequel. Shot in Bulgaria!