Holiday Breakup
Holiday Breakup
| 01 November 2016 (USA)
Holiday Breakup Trailers

Polar opposites meet and fall in love, but it isn't long before their relationship is on the rocks. In order to get through the holiday season without too much drama they decide to pretend they are still a couple, but their plan takes an unexpected turn.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Christmas-Reviewer I Have Reviewed OVER 500 Christmas MOVIES. On all Christmas movies BEWARE OF FAKE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. Many reviewers have only have ONE REVIEW. When it's a POSITIVE REVIEW chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. If its a negative review then they may have a huge grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films.I review them is to keep track of what "I have seen". Two people meet by accident on July 4th and find themselves living together very quickly. However as fast as the relationship started it also burns out just as fast. Now this being the holiday the former couple pretend to still be a couple so their holidays do not turn into a pity party.The film is not great but it is not a total waste of time. I think both of the characters are people that in real "You Could Be Friends With". The problem with the film however is that scenes are telegraphed to the audience long before it happens. The actors are all good and deliver an enjoyable product.
summerehines What did I ever do to these people? What did I do to deserve this movie?
mariebloom awful is being nice. I don't understand how this thing even got put up. there is no story line and if there is, it is nonexistent and too much going on. the acting is bad, the only one good is the Jeff guy, but that's being moderate. everyone else is so bad. The room might have a new the Oscar worthy movie and this is the worst movie ever made. like them breaking up, didn't even make sense.
Emily This activity needs to stop, this "film" needs to create societal change within it's viewers, especially it's target audience. This was the longest, most horrific VINE I have ever watched. If anything this was the most painful horror film, or more accurately the most terrifying psychological commentary/documentary on our current society. RATING: 0 STARS. DO NOT LET "VINE STARS" make something longer than 6 seconds. Or even that, please. My stomach and my head hurts now. It itself and unraveling the issues with every scene was actually exhausting. My boyfriend and I are still functioning humans post watching this insanity, nice try.