PG-13 | 12 September 2015 (USA)
Luciferous Trailers

In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
hp-23085 In this short review, I will keep things very general, so as not to give away the story line.I didn't personally read any reviews before watching this film. The fact that it is independent and won 5 awards was good enough for me. I wasn't disappointed. This is a film that engages your mind, with a range of possibilities as to why things are unfolding as they are, any of which could be plausible. So you are left to study the characters for clues as to which answer is more likely. A welcome break from many films that rely too much on action and special effects. Personally, I enjoyed this film on many levels. Highly recommended! " Undoubtedly a little gem lost in the world of cinema." - Rodrigo Garcia Ferreyra May 16, 2016 Cinema
soupisgoodfood Nearly every horror movie about a loving family goes berserk, starts with a way too loving parents and a cute kid who extremely loves his/her parents. But this movie goes beyond and makes it too hard to concentrate on the plot. I have few words for the scriptwriters; using the word "Baby" as a punctuation mark doesn't pump up our sympathy for the family but the exact opposite. Throughout the whole movie the actors said "Baby" nearly 3 billion times! And yes now i hate relationships. I wonder, is it because of the scriptwriters or is it just terrible improvisation. The other thing is about the end. Don't you think that there is so many information for a monologue? Other than that it was an OK movie.
oldee624 Someone please tell me what the hell this movie is about and what is happening. Who is John? Who killed the little girl. Is this real. Was there malevolent force? Who was the malevolent force? And , I agree, if that little girl did not get killed soon with all that whining and mommies, if I had a gun would shoot her myself. Just, Horrible! From what I can gather, the father was being possessed; or you may believe he had a brain injury which altered his personality to a more violent one. He was not aware of his actions; either due to the injury or the demonic force in the house. Somehow they left the house and everything was okay; but again, that could be psychosomatic also. Anyway, it goes; they all deserved something bad to happen in the end; each member of the family was extremely annoying. Maybe that's how the movie intended it to be. You, the viewer becoming the ultimate evil force in wanting to kill them all or see them gone!
Flow I had to rate it 5 stars, was quite close to 6 but I think it is more fair like this and I am going to explain why.Well, you see, the movie looks just like an ordinary one. Nothing new, nothing special, a film like so many you've seen before, especially if you're into the horror section. As time passes, it does exactly what you'd expect to do, same moves, same lines, same reactions.Yet it manages to surpasse the most out there because it has a plot, an ending, a destination, it knew where it was heading to so it had to build a road. For that, for that nice parking place it got, I almost graded it 6 stars. There was more needed to it tho.So if you're a horror junkie and you're loaded with lots of patience, this one might be an interesting choice for the night. Do not expect a masterpiece, not even a good movie, but a different and possibly interesting approach.Cheers