The Swinging Cheerleaders
The Swinging Cheerleaders
R | 25 September 1974 (USA)
The Swinging Cheerleaders Trailers

In order to write an expose on how cheerleading demeans women, a reporter for a college newspaper infiltrates the cheerleading squad.

Steineded How sad is this?
Console best movie i've ever seen.
WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Falconeer I had this movie confused with another one called "The Cheerleaders," which was basically a raunchy exploit flick that looked like a hardcore movie, with the hardcore cut out. But "The Swinging Cheerleaders" is surprising in that it has a plot; several interlacing dramatic stories actually, and it's truly a fun movie. And the "Raincoat crowd" will be disappointed in the fact that this is VERY tame in the sex department. I searched this out because I'm a devoted Cheryl Rainbeaux Smith fan, and she is her usual sweet, beautiful self here, as the last cheerleader to lose her virginity, which she does in a sad way. Yes there is actually some good drama here to accompany the comic elements, and it's all really tasteful. So check out this early 70's time capsule; it's one of the good ones. I'm excited to see the sequel. "Revenge of the Cheerleaders."
Michael_Elliott The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Kate (Jo Johnston) is a reporter who goes undercover in a cheer-leading squad so that she can write an article about how the sport exploits young women. Soon she's mixing it up with the star quarterback and her article takes on a whole new story when she discovers a betting scheme.THE SWINGING CHEERLEADERS certainly isn't a classic or even a good film but Jack Hill does what he can with a somewhat lame script, which was obviously sold to people due to the sexuality. If you're looking for a flat-out nasty and dirty little picture then this is actually not it. Instead of being overly sexual or graphic, the film does take a more serious approach to its subject and for the most part it remains slightly entertaining throughout.The best thing about the picture is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Yes, the subject matter is a tab bit more serious that what you typically get out of an exploitation movie but don't think for a second that there's some sort of message being given off here. Instead we're basically given a low-budget movie that has a silly and somewhat weak story where we see the various cheerleaders involved with a number of men. There's one who has an affair with her teacher. Another is just a flat out bitch who does what she wants. Another is a girl wanting to lose her virginity.As you can tell, there's nothing ground-breaking here but sexploitation and cheerleaders were something that were made for the 70s. The cast are mostly good, although there's certainly no Oscar-worthy performances here. Johnston, appearing in her only film, is decent in the lead but I think someone stronger would have helped the film. There's plenty of nudity throughout to keep the male viewer entertained and I'd also argue that Hill's direction is good throughout.
Boba_Fett1138 It's amazing how this movie made me realize how fond I actually was of the first movie "The Cheerleaders". It was trash but really entertaining and fun trash. I just can't say the same about this sequel.I just never really had any fun with this movie. It doesn't really has comedy in it, or at least not of the funny kind. It just isn't as fun or clever written as the first movie. As a matter of fact, you could even say that this movie is bit overwritten, as strange as that perhaps might sound. With that I mean, is that the movie takes itself and its story a bit too serious. This movie didn't needed to have a main plot line in it! It should had been about silly teenagers, doing silly teenagers stuff, all sex related.But you can't even really call this a sexploitation flick. Really, it has far too little sex and nudity in it for that. Like I said, it's just too heavy on its story, which does not suit the genre at all. Another reason why I really wasn't taken by this movie was because it was lacking some good, or likable enough, characters in it. This is something the first movie did really right! Every character had a very distinctive personality and was often very likable because of that. In this movie I still can't tell you who is who in it. All I remember is that one of the guy's name was Bucky Larson.It's not exactly the worst movie I have ever seen, also not within its genre but it's still a very lacking- and a just not fun enough movie. Just stick with the original!4/10
Woodyanders Special credit must go to the ever-surprising and enterprising Jack Hill for making the single most wickedly subversive film in the popular 70's cheerleader sub-genre. Sure, it certainly delivers the prerequisite ample doses of silly slapstick humor and tasty sex and gratuitous nudity, but along with that sleazy stuff we also have a remarkably astute critique of gender roles and sexual stereotypes as well as a deliciously sly and playful sense of anarchic humor.Sassy Mesa University underground newspaper reporter Kate (winningly played by lovely brunette sprite Jo Johnston) decides to pose as a cheerleader in order to get the straight dope for an article on "female exploitation in contemporary society." Kate soon discovers that there's much more to being a cheerleader than just sexy short skirts and fluffy pom-poms. They're actually troubled individuals with serious issues: Sweet Rainbeaux Smith is a frustrated virgin who's eager to learn more about sex, Colleeen Camp is a snotty, stuck-up rich bitch who always gets what she wants, and Rosanne Katon ("Playboy" 's September '78 Playmate of the Month) is having an affair with a married college professor. The seemingly cocky and sexist star football player turns out to be a nice, sensitive guy and the allegedly radical hippie college newspaper editor ultimately gets exposed as a hypocritical misogynistic phony. Moreover, both the shady campus dean and the duplicitous football coach are involved in a numbers racket. Wow, talk about campus unrest! Besides the unusually sound plot and provocative political subtext (both very rare and welcome qualities in the often schlocky and strictly superficial cheerleader sub-genre), "The Swinging Cheerleaders" further boasts a wonderfully lush'n'plush look, uniformly solid acting, nifty policeman bits by crusty character actor John Quade and veteran Hollywood stuntman Bob Minor (who also popped up in "Coffy," "Foxy Brown" and "Switchblade Sistors" for Jack Hill), and a hilariously wild'n'wacky slapstick finale. Clips from this gem are featured in the acclaimed Errol Morris documentary "The Thin Blue Line."