No Good Deed
No Good Deed
PG-13 | 12 September 2014 (USA)
No Good Deed Trailers

Terri is a devoted wife and mother of two, living an ideal suburban life in Atlanta when Colin, a charming but dangerous escaped convict, shows up at her door claiming car trouble. Terri offers her phone to help him but soon learns that no good deed goes unpunished as she finds herself fighting for survival when he invades her home and terrorizes her family.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Titanticks It's such a bad film that I could not finish it in one shot.There are too many stupid things in this film. Firstly, his ex girlfriend does not know how to behave to calm him down. She's completely stupid that it's unrealistic. The reason why many abused women stay with their abusers is because they're not always violent. No one would stay with someone who is violent every minute of every day. Even this film acknowledges that, Colin can be charming and calm if he wants to. He is incredibly calm with Terry despite being attacked many times. His girlfriend did not get that chance for some reason. He went straight to violence.Meg is also completely stupid. Instead of just going straight to Terry to ask her, she gives Colin the chance to stop her by saying "You're full of sh*t. I'm going to ask Terry about you to expose the total fraud you are." Um... why would you do that? Why would you warn him? This is like terrorists calling the cops to say "We placed a bomb in this building. It'll go off in 24 hours." For a cheesy film, sure, but this attempts to be realistic.Then Terry is the queen of stupidity. She attacked Colin four times and four times she runs away rather than deliver a second incapacitating blow. Instead of hitting him once every 14 minutes, honey, you could've hit him four times in a row and finished the job.Once she sprays him in the eyes with a fire extinguisher then hits him with it and he falls down the stairs. He stays there for a minute. She could've then smashed his fingers with the fire extinguisher and he would be quite useless. She could've taken the gun. Instead she just runs to another room. Colin just gets up because the only damage he has is temporary eye irritation from the foam and the fall down the stairs. She could've knocked him out, broken his fingers, disarmed him, but she chooses to do nothing.She doesn't learn from her mistake, however. The next time she hits him with the base of a lamp, a hard lamp that doesn't break but might cause him real damage, he falls, but instead of delivering another blow, she runs to the fax machine. He just recovers and comes back to her. The third time she actually stabs him with a knife. Instead of stabbing him a second time, she just runs into another room.The fourth time is when she stabs him multiple times but she stops for no reason. There's actually a fifth time, when she knocks him out with a metal thing but she just stares at him quietly until he wakes up and attacks her again.So fire extinguisher, lamp, knife, knife, metal bar, she hits him once with each, but all she does is run to another room.No one is this stupid and if they are, why should we care about them? I don't buy that this woman is a top lawyer of any kind.Also, Colin shows incredible restraint with her but total lack of self control with anyone else. He kills two women without any hesitation but does not hurt Terry once (until she stabs him multiple times, then he gets violent). He's either a violent hot-head or he isn't. You can't have it both ways.Also 911 is receiving a high volume of calls from an area where there's a wind storm? There's a dead police officer (not answering his radio presumably) and an escaped murderer, two dead transport COs, but the cops are just too busy to pick up the phone because everyone is calling to complain about the wind breaking their windows or setting off their car alarms? It makes no sense. What are the neighbors calling the cops about? Obviously it's not tips about the escaped murderer since no one is looking into it.This thing should trigger a statewide manhunt not "We're too busy to pick up the phone. Windstorm and all, you know how it is."And the cops came surprisingly fast considering no one called them. If they did not pick up her call, why would they pick up her husband calling them?We're also supposed to believe that this woman can out-wrestle Idris Elba and slap her husband so hard that he would fall.I gave this film 4 stars but after writing my review it has now dropped to 3.The only thing this film is good for is if it's free on Netflix and you're doing something else like laundry, but I'm not sure we should even be encouraging this crap.
jtindahouse 'No Good Deed' starts out with a bit of a bang. The violence levels in the first 5-10 minutes, at a level rarely seen these days in your average thriller, set up the movie perfectly to be something great. Sadly after that the movie falls flat and can't capitalise on the great start it had and thus a great opportunity is missed. Ultra-violent characters can be a lot of fun, Wesney Snipes character in 'Demolition Man' comes to mind, and I thought that we may have had another one like that one on our hands, but sadly Idris Elba's character in this isn't a lot of fun at all.The whole movie just comes across a bit bleak. The characters are all so unappealing that it's hard to care about any of their fates, the unbelievability of any scene involving a police officer is highly off putting and the 'twist' near the end isn't even worthy of giving a second thought to. The usual poor writing involving characters being absolutely idiotic is there as well. All that said it's far from unwatchable, it just does nothing to stand out from the pack.
johnjamesglass I have never seen the movie and I do not want to for the trailer put me off it. What happens in the trailer is that he crashes his car and seeks shelter at a woman's house. He then starts to terrorize her and guess what? She attacks him like the sexist bitch she is. Not only does Tajiri P Henson beat and kill Idris Elba, she punches the guy playing her husband at the end. I found that bit out through wikipedia. Tajiri P Henson is a poor excuse of a woman, for even though she was being invaded, she had no right to do any of the stuff she done to Idris. The people who let her get away with it are just as bad. Stay away from this movie, its pure sexist. 1/10 stars as I can't rate it -10
Spikeopath No Good Deed is actually not a bad film as such, it sticks rigidly to a formula and has all the requisite requirements - however ridiculous - for a home invasion thriller, and does it competently. The problem is that it has absolutely nothing new to appeal to anyone who has been watching movies through the 80s and 90s.The 1990s was particularly a thriving hot-bed for such thriller fare, where some unhinged nut-case - male or female - would impose themselves upon some amiable good person's life, and then unleash mentally distorted hell upon them. Sam Miller's film is just a lazy retread of what has gone long before. Only he and his backers think that shifting the focus to black characters somehow makes it more vibrant. It doesn't.Idris Alba is a fine actor (in great physical shape as usual), and Taraji P. Henson is a more than effective actress, but the turgid screenplay on offer here does them no favours, where even an intended "big reveal" is hamstrung by the familiarity of it all. If one is fortunate to be of a youthful enough age and lucky enough to be viewing this thriller format for the first time? Then this works, it absolutely does. The more mature film lovers, however, will be jaded to the point of sleep status. And no, that's not meant to be patronising. 4/10
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