The Frozen
The Frozen
PG-13 | 10 October 2012 (USA)
The Frozen Trailers

After a harrowing snowmobile accident, a young couple is stranded in the woods and must survive while waiting for help to arrive. Events take a turn for the worse after the disappearance of Emma's boyfriend, leaving her on her own not only to battle the elements, but also to elude a mysterious hunter who is tracking her through the forest.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Eka Herlyanti I'd like to be honest before I begin my review. Actually I was trying to find movie entitles something like "Frozen" because I found an article saying that the movie is good. I didn't get much information about the movie other than the title contains the word Frozen. So picked it up and later I realized that I got the wrong movie. The title I want is actually Frozen River.So I decided to watch it alone, in the middle of the night because I wanted to get scared. And I did. But then I got mad because it was just a dream. I didn't happen only once, but almost all the time. Why??? I think it would be cool to make it real. I kinda tired with this kind of twist.
andyphillips-23651 There are so many plot holes in this movie it's hard to count. But what makes this movie completely and utterly unbearable is the complete lack of chemistry between the two main characters. Are they on a first date? A camping first date in the snowy wilderness? Because it feels as though they met each other that day. They don't talk to each other like a real couple would actually talk to each other.But back to the plot holes, She has no hesitations going out with him (who she's knows has no experience camping) into the wilderness? They don't tell anyone, despite having no experience? They don't have GPS? Where is she getting the never ending supply of water? I feel bad for the main actors. Despite their complete lack of chemistry, the script is downright awful. Surprisingly, the production value is actually pretty decent.
lumgs The film starts well, nice setting, nice landscape. Could have been a really nice thriller with all the shadows behind the trees caught in the corner of the eye... The actors are OK. There are no great performances, but there is also no need for those in this type of movie. But after the nightmare where she wakes up in a nightgown, the film takes a dramatic turn for the worse. You start seeing zombies/ghosts (!), dead animals, etc. Ridiculous and almost childish. And the ending, which was supposed to be a very original never seen before twist is an old idea that was much better explored in The Others with Nicole Kidman. Weak, just weak.
Queen Elizabeth There are probably going to be some reviews bashing the simplicity of this film, but amazingly enough that is what I found most intriguing about it. For a simple ultra-low budget this is the best I've seen in a while. The synopsis is simple. Guy talks his girl into heading up to the snowy mountains in a bold (if not ignorantly risky) attempt to get some alone time. Survival becomes a factor after a foretelling crash, and then of course there is the menacing bad guy to contend with. The director is knowledgeable of the area and the expertise shows in the scenery takes. Great camera work and some effort put into good angles. The musical score helped out quite a bit, at least for me. Good tension rifts and effectively moody when needed. I was most amused by the first half of the film. The focus is the interaction between the guy bending over backwards in optimism to cater to the ever-skeptic and ego-crushing girlfriend. Sounds cheesy I know, but my opinion is that for some reason this worked.. I'm sure some couples are going to relate.. and then the added bonus of them ripping around on an RMK sled while dripping with naivety. They did pack quite well at least. I think I was more nervous and tense for them than they were. If you've ever personally crossed that moment in the outdoors where you just aren't quite sure if you are going to make it back to the truck... even if just briefly, then you know what I mean. Anyway, some nice details that make sense in a survival struggle were present.I'm not saying there weren't flaws. There we're. Both in tech details for what was being portrayed and in the story itself. For instance, snowmobiles are heavy and tricky to ride in a couple plus feet of mountain powder. Not something for a novice. It would have been fun to show the realism of getting one unstuck.. lol. Also 3/4 of the way into the film my plausibility meter was gagging with the bad guy, but that one worked itself out.. just have to be a little patient. All in all I was entertained by this cheap trip into the woods. Not everyone will be, but if you dabble in the outdoors with your spouse, it might have a better effect.
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