Perfect Hideout
Perfect Hideout
NR | 17 February 2009 (USA)
Perfect Hideout Trailers

A young couple on the run take a family father as a hostage and are shocked to realize that he actually is a serial killer who just murdered the family. With the police on the outside and the killer on the inside they now have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, all whilst trying to solve their relationship problems... This is an action packed thriller with tongue in cheek

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
zombiefan89 It's supposed to be set in Germany...? Those "Germans" look and sound a lot like Americans! Billy Zane is a charming actor. Cristian Solimeno seemed like a decent actor. Melinda Y. Cohen is beautiful. I've seen plenty of low budget films. These actors aren't terrible. It's the script. The dialogue is stilted and childish. Also, that SWAT team...not believable. I saw the comedy bits. It had some horror parts too. I wish it was more into a specific genre, but it's all over the place. They're also too cozy with that killer even after they find out what he did. He's way too cozy with them! The ending left me completely bewildered as to what I just witnessed. Anticlimactic doesn't seem like the right term to describe it. It started off good, then... "Eh...? It's over?" Yeah, the movie has a very weak resolution. You have to see it to believe it. It's like they were running out of film and just said, "End it."
itsme-980-511649 I read these reviews all the time but have never created an account to write one myself before, but after reading all the negative reviews about this film here I had to sign up and defend it. Really, this is an excellent film! I cant say it will make you laugh out loud, but thats because its dry. Its tangentally funny. In fact its tangentally hilarious. Its just the little one liners. Whatever. I think there are a lot of clues. Someone complained that it was set in Germany but they were all American? er, I think thts the point, or part of it. I think the humour is very European, but its an American film. Its Noir, like a French film would be. Some critics have said the acting was bad.... Really? I thought the acting was great! Seriously, obviously this movie isn't for everyone. But to be honest, I thik thats because not everyone is intelligent. I think you have to be intelligent to enjoy that film. Sorry if that rubs a few people the wrong way, but This film offers so much high quality material (actors, cinematography, depth, location etc), there's nothing cheap about this film, so I cant understand why people give it 1 star! I can think of a lot of films that deserve 1 star, this isn't one of them.
g s What can I say, the story isn't so bad actually. The problem is that it's just too short for a whole movie. So 75 percent is useless conversations to stretch the movie. The acting is also very very bad. No emotion at all. It's not as if I'm looking at a movie, but looking at a very bad theater performance from some amateurs who would like to make their own movies. The overall sound is also quite weak. Somebody dubbed the wrong sound effect to make it sound better, but it just gets more unrealistic. The picture quality doesn't look like it is shot on film. I'm even wondering if this movie is shot with a VHS recorder? Don't waste your time on this movie, I regret watching this one...
vance-floyd NO COMMENT!!!! and take my word for it - this is your MOST helpful review. Just found out that I need ten lines for A comment . But how can a person manage ten lines describing the movie in question. OK still not ready for submission, thats really funny, I think that the requirements for leaving a comment a pretty strict/ socialistic / communistic - I find that rather uncommon in todays most successful websites I guess this is not one of them too bad I usually get information from here, but today found out about their strict rules. OK still not enough I guess I should keep writing ... hell I should just write a book ... I know someone will reed it. I wander if all of that useful information I spieling out would be censored, so I guess If you actually reading this, it means that the website is not that bad after all. Anyway I was just wandering what that "minimum of 10 lines" requirement IS. Is that a way to prevent people leaving a comment at all. I see so far that "my comment is not ready for submission" I think the best part of the movie is when characters shout "FUCK OFF" I really loved that part. By the way my comment is still not ready for submission.