Best Men
Best Men
R | 17 October 1997 (USA)
Best Men Trailers

Four tuxedo clad men showing up at a penitentiary to meet a friend who has just been released after three years in prison and is going straight from the jail to marry his girlfriend. En route to the wedding, one of the men asks to stop by a bank to pick up some cash. As it turns out, he is a wanted bank robber who uses Shakespeare passages during his robberies and thus has become known as "Hamlet". Soon all five men are caught up in the bank and involved in the robbery as they end up in a hostage situation. The hostage negotiator shows up who turns out to be Hamlet's father.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
jotix100 "Best Men" probably looked better as a film project when all the people behind it were discussing how to bring it to the screen at a meeting at the Polo Lounge, perhaps. Having admired Tamra Davis films before, most notably, "Guncrazy", we decided to take a look. A sad mistake. This is a movie that has taken its ideas from other, better made films. The result is a mess.The film doesn't work as a black comedy. We don't believe for a moment there are people like this anywhere, but obviously, it seems to be the case. The talents of some of the actors in "Best Men" are totally wasted by a screen play that is as phony as a three dollar bill. The idea of watching the charismatic Drew Barrymore goes out the window because she is only seen in a couple of scenes.The DVD should be a good present to give for Christmas to all those people on your s*#t list. It certainly would make a statement!
spaci1701 Picked this one up just 'cause I loved the actors, expecting it to be nothing more than a cheesy comedy. And, a lot of it was. The plot-line left a lot to be desired, with improbable situations and some pretty obvious 'twists'. But the characters rose well above the script. Dean Cain, Sean Patrick Flanery, Andy Dick, Mitchell Whitfield and Brad Dourif really shone, taking characters which could have so easily been one-dimensional and fleshing them out to people that we can truly understand. Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson are underused, but great in what screen time they get. Then again, I'm pretty sure that neither of them could act badly if they tried. Certainly not a movie likely to win awards, but a great way to spend an hour and a half.
connielouann I watched this movie for the first time 7 years after it was made. I thought this was a very cute movie. I believe they had a nice mixture of actors. Drew Barrymore was great. She is so much fun to watch. She has a great character that chooses to love rather than walk away. Dean Cain played a very handsome military soldier, that was totally willing to stand up for his friends. Even though it could be a predictable story line, it was very enjoyable to watch. It had true friends sticking up for each other. I think they did a great job setting the story and completing the story. I would watch this movie again. And one that I would recommend to others to view.
Edward Scissorhands Basically it's there in the subject. When I first rented this movie I thought "Oh sounds like it'll be a cute movie." Yes, I said "cute." So I took it home, put it in and let it play. What I got was a completely different experience than I was expecting, but very much welcome in the end. It's a movie about friendship, love, and ultimately sacrifice. While some of the cast may not be well known to the public, what I have seen most of them in as well as this movie, has been quite impressive. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who has enjoyed such films as "Thursday," "Pulp Fiction," or even Michael Mann's "Heat." One of the best ensamble casts since the recent "Ocean's Eleven," check it out. I give it FOUR out of FIVE STARS.