The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death
The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death
| 13 January 2015 (USA)
The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death Trailers

A fun filled weekend turns deadly when a group of unsuspecting theatre goers are trapped inside, after a ravenous spirit is resurrected and released from a Ouija board. They must confront their most terrifying fears and destroy the spirit before it finds and kills them first.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
andrecarmoporto Everything is wrong with this movie: Actors are terrible and their performance is just fake.The script is non-sense;Specials effects... no words for that... my brother did a job in ellementary school better than this.The only horror I found was on me while watching this!Please, don't waste your time watching this movie.
williamjeich So the movie starts out assuming the first installment was a box office hit. Everyone is literally losing their minds at some convention with the actors.I watched the first one maybe like a year ago, along with 4 other movies of the same title and plot, so first I had to figure out who was who.After we watch stuttering Sally botch an already botched question, we delve a little into her character development. According to dialogue in the script she is weird and reserved, according to assumption shes an actor straight out of a B-List acting academy. She befriends some popular kids from her college (establishing a high-schoolesque hierarchy). There's the blonde popular one who wants to befriend the outsider, the standard gay friend who is snarky and talks about boys 24/7, and like 2 other girls who have maybe a line. They all get tickets to the big even hosted by the actors, and then we don't see them for 60 minutes.After they run around trying to set scene and make character connections that fall flat, we learn of some sort of history behind Ouija boards. Which is false information, and they back it up by the common myth that Ouija boards are gateways for demons.To keep it simply, like 2 people die, I forgot how cause I got distracted (which isn't hard during this blockbuster fiasco), but apparently it wasn't memorable.After awhile of the same situations and bland dialogue that drags around with no endgame, we meet some crazy cop. The cop is a small town cop so obviously he's mysterious, creeping, and having adult relations with a relative (it's mentioned in the movie, trust me). Because small towns are full of weirdos and no one normal would live anywhere past the city limits of Los Angeles, of course.Near the beginning of the event starting, we see the token black friend womanizer getting cozy with some girls, which we assume are random girls. Come to find out they are the girls (and standard gay friend) that received the ticket! Man, they sure stood out!During the tour, someone smokes pot and drinks (as that rebel character does in all B-List horror flicks) and makes someone mad. Then we find one of the main character cut in half.The rest of the movie is basically the weird girl and the popular girl running around from the murderer and ghost. The movie decides to wrap up with an unfinished ending (not a cliffhanger mind you). And I was left with 3 finished martinis, and a headache.The credits roll with names we never heard of, and probably never will.
unolai Do not waste your time on this movie. First of all, the acting is flat out terrible; nothing in the dialogue felt sincere and their reactions were over the top. Also, the "British" girl seemed to have trouble maintaining the right accent.Secondly, the special effects and makeup are absolutely ridiculous. It's like they didn't even try. From the ghost to the blood, it just looks cheap all around. This combined with cheesy jumpscares that don't scare anyone, it makes for a terrible horror movie. This kind of thing belongs more in a haunted house ride. For kids.Lastly, the entire plot was predictable, lackluster and you can see the "twist ending" coming from a mile away. Everything about this movie just feels lazy and only disappoints. Do not watch.
singer-abigail Oh, dear, where to begin with this headache of a film? The lack of a decent plot? The lack of acting skills? The lack of a satisfying climax? The lack of good, steady camera work? From the beginning, I was unimpressed. They begin with a quick recap of the original movie right at the beginning. Boring. I was then surprised to see the "plot" open with a promotional event for the original movie. (Really? There's a universe in which people loved the first film?) Later, one of the cast members flirts with a young woman while playing with a Ouija board and, predictably, they leave it and a ghost gets out. During a haunted house tour, the cast members and guests start disappearing or dying off one by one. Nothing unoriginal or memorable, except the "climax", which leaves you screaming WTF? all the way to the end credits. The movie is littered with unimaginative, weak attempts at jump scares. The acting is deplorable, next to nonexistent. The actors are annoying and make you wait impatiently for them to get killed off. The camera could not be kept still. There is a part of the haunted tour where they come across the body of one of the actors, see the torso and legs very visibly separated a few feet from the upper half of the body, and ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WAS PART OF THE ACT. If you want a better movie, make one yourself. Watch this movie only if you want a lesson on what mistakes not to make. Otherwise, spare yourself from this one.
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