| 18 July 2003 (USA)
Midsummer Trailers

It is the last day of school for Christian and his younger sister Sophie. They are heading to a party at his friend Trina. High school graduation is just around the corner and after the freedom and future. But behind the idyllic facade lurks tragedy and secrets. That evening Sophie commits suicide.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
emreyanik Carsten Myllerup uses the classical haunted house plot to create a Nordic version of the horror genre without exposing the audience to gory scenes and exaggerated sound effects. As a replacement the movie offers a more humanitarian atmosphere which bounces between joyful images of youth, nature, friendship and love in contrast with dark and depressive ones supported with claustrophobic close-ups, confusing landscapes and thematic music. Appearing symbols like the boat waiting at the bottom of the cliff, the leading deer and themes of spirituality vs. rationality, urban vs. provincial life at different layers of the movie gives it a richer and deeper understanding.
linneanor I really enjoyed this one! it was very blair witch project when they ran around in the woods, but it wasn't like a big rip-off or something. Tuva Novotny is a very good actress and the other actors did a great job! a movie I recommend!
filmfreak-5 ***MILD SPOILERS*** I watched this movie cause it was announced to be like a new milestone in danish horror, but it is quite a let-down.The film is in itself ok, has a lot of nice ideas. But honestly, the quija boards are a thing of the past and by no means scary anymore. There's so many cliches in this film, a list would be going too far.There's also a couple of very annoying characters aswell, especially the smart*** "Mark" played by equally annoying Jon Lange - I've seen a couple of other flicks with this guy and he isn't acting, he is being himself - nothing more, nothing less....to see him shot in the gutt in the end actually made me cheer...I was waiting for that....kinda cruel thing to say, but nevertheless true..Anyway, a mediocre film, nothing more, nothing less.. And I kinda got my eyes opened for Laura Christensen who is becoming kind of a babe - Saw her in Von Trier's "Kingdom" years ago, but she sure developed in all good ways of the word...Yummi!
Tobias Baunbæk I have just come back from the cinema, where there was a first premiere on Midsommer.Before the movie I thought that this would be one of the bad teenage horror movies. The trailer gave me the impression that I would expect something like a Friday 13th without the splatter effects. That wasn't what I got.There was a lot of scary effects, and they worked very well. Thumbs up for the sound editing, as you could hear they had been working a lot on it. The plot was kinda straight forward from what you would expect in a teen horror. In the first scene one of the kids kills herself, and over the movie you try to figure out why.Where the movie lagged was specially in the ending. It seems that they tried to copy Scream too much in a way. Through the film there haven't been any action scenes, but in the end it all goes too much action, and the plot reveals itself too fast. Also, some of the young actors could have had more experience, but they had chosen a nice lead with Kristian Leth and also Tuva Novotny who plays the mysterious Swede are doing a great job.All in all not a movie you would remember in some years, but very much entertaining. Should be seen in the cinema, so you don't lose too much of the sound quality and loudness.
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