The Rake
The Rake
NR | 05 June 2018 (USA)
The Rake Trailers

Ben and Ashley come together 20 years after the murder of their parents to determine the cause of their parents' death. Ashley is troubled by the idea that the thing that took her parents' lives may not be finished with her family.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
ScotsGirl84 Absolutely horrible! Where the hell is the storyline? This film doesn't explain anything at all. Aside from the gore and cgi which is okay....everything about this film is just garbage! It makes asbolutely no sense at all! Just another pathetic attempt that basically became yet another failed slasher! Don't watch this whatever you do! Complete waste of time!
oostbrink What have i just watched? No story, makes absolutely no sense!
omendata Some nice gore effects and interesting creature (nice breasts , shame about the face lol).Problem is there is no story to back up the CGI/Special effects and the acting is purest of pants - where did the creature come from, why is it there - duh!!! Without any details its just another formulaeic stalk and slash creature feature movie. Oh and the end of the movie is just awwwwwful!!!!!When are they going to make a decent horror like with a story and some scares and give us a break from this toxic tosh! It can be done you know; Sam Raimi proved it with DRAG ME TO HELL - We need more Sam Raimi's and less Tom Tits!Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Michael Ledo The Rake is a Wendigo, however titles with "Wendigo" in them don't do well and who doesn't love a rake killer? The film opens with Ben and Ashley as children watching her parents get killed by one of these things. As adults they are messed up, especially Ashley (Shenae Grimes-Beech). A group of people get to together at the cabin-in-the -woods....with cell phone reception. Ashley starts to see things and Andrew (Joey Bicicchi) has cuticle issues.The film does build character but runs short on suspense. The killings take place in one quick lump. At 1:14 it could have added some horror build up.Guide: F-word. Near sex. brief nudity.
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