Five Times Two
Five Times Two
R | 29 January 2005 (USA)
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As young French couple Gilles and Marion officially separate, we see, in reverse order, the milestone moments in their relationship: Gilles revealing his unfaithfulness at a tense dinner party; Marion giving birth to their premature son while Gilles is elsewhere; Gilles and Marion's joyous wedding; and, finally, the fateful moment when they meet as acquaintances at an Italian beach resort, and their love affair begins.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Desertman84 5x2 is a French film that tells five short stories which uncovers the back story to the gradual disintegration of a middle class marriage by depicting five key moments in the relationship.It stars Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Stéphane Freiss.The movie is written and directed by François Ozon.5x2 puts into the microscope the rise and fall of one couple's marriage. Gilles and Marion have filed for divorce following several years of marriage, and after the judge declares their union is over, the story follows the couple through five lengthy flashbacks, presented in reverse chronological order, in which glimpses of their lives together are shown, ending with the couple meeting for the first time. 5x2 follows the peaks and valleys of Gilles and Marion's relationship, viewers witness a few of the many small events that make up a marriage.It was engrossing and absorbing from beginning to end.Despite of its flaws and it is far from being a classic French movie,I personally found this film excellent and outstanding.Also,the idea of telling the story of the film in five short episodes that presents the relationship's development is original and refreshing.Overall,this is one film that is highly recommended for a viewer who wants a great love story in another form of storytelling.
Gordon-11 This film is about 5 segments of the relationship between Gilles and Marion in reverse chronological order.I thought the reverse chronological order would make it as confusing as "Memento", but actually it is very simple to understand. The film highlights 5 different time segments that is pivotal to the relationship. What happens in between the segments is not mentioned. It leaves the viewers much room for imagination and interpretation.It is a story about real human beings. No one is flawless. The carnal desire of Gilles, and his shameless expression of it, destroys his love life. Valerie's passionless attitude and negativity destroys her relationship. Marion, on the other hand, gets repeatedly disappointed with life. Everything in the film is so real and close to us, unlike most films that portray fairytale couples or unrealistic lives.I particularly like the childbirth segment, as emotions are well portrayed and affecting. I think this film is good, but not as groundbreaking as I expected it to be.
ags123 Five episodes in a married couple's life, presented backwards. No special effects. Plenty of sex. What a blessed relief to come across an adult film for a change. Actually, every film by Francois Ozon is adult in nature, whether he's having pure fun (8 Women), playing mind games (Swimming Pool), or here, in a character driven story like "5X2." Its success depends heavily on a great script and great performances, and all are in evidence. The couple first appear to be unlikable, but the more we learn about them, the more sympathetic they become. The film gets sunnier (literally and figuratively) as it regresses all the way to a bittersweet ending - their happiest moment that we know won't last. Ozon respects the audience's intelligence. He doesn't spell everything out for us. There's much to ponder and debate after the film is over. My only criticism is all that smoking. Haven't the French gotten over that yet? Smart use of Paolo Conte's haunting song "Sparring Partner." Beautifully done.
leplatypus This movie wasted my time. Writing this review will not repeat this & I hope it will be useful for any potential viewers to know what they risk:The story is a reverse romance: from the ending to the meeting! But the morality of the couple is very loose: from rape to cheating (on wedding day!), among group sex or missing the child birth...Here's the menu delivered by a French "culturally correct" director.What's bothering me is the lack of his involvement: what's his message ? Maybe he dares to see what can happen under the veneer of relationships, but he offers no solution when bad things comes...Every one could have tell the same things. For a "talented" director, the audience can ask for more: so easy thus so forgettable !