Running Scared
Running Scared
R | 24 February 2006 (USA)
Running Scared Trailers

A low-ranking thug is entrusted by his boss to dispose of a gun that killed corrupt cops, but things spiral out of control when the gun ends up in wrong hands.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
sunnylight-73927 "Running Scared" is extremely graphically violent movie, but the most amazing thing about it is not that of course. It is not the great acting performances, or neither is the perfectly written script. The way the movie was shot, and the special effects are made, is the most great about it IMO.I do not what more to say, except GIVE IT A SHOT, I think the most people will like it, and even if you do not like so much gore, swearing etc. you will still appreciate the well made movie, and if you ever did not liked Paul Walker, you will love him in this one. Vera Farmiga does a pretty god damn good role also, and the two young actors are fabolous. In addition, I want to say in the beginning I thought that Paul Walker is the one who is running scared, but it is actually the russians's girl son : )
ZULFIQAR RAJA There aren't many people who know about 'Running Scared' or who rate it that highly, but after having watched it, this must be down to critics having watched so many mediocre thrillers, they can no longer recognise a gem. This film is frantic from start to finish, but despite an unrelenting pace, it still explores the characters deeply, enough for the viewer to become involved in their fears and struggles. The late Paul Walker is great and so is his female lead Vera Farmiga who is an exceptional actress. This film is different because it takes itself seriously, the gangsters are real people and the violence is brutal but has that comic book edge to it a la 'Pulp Fiction'. Vera Farmiga's character is the difference in this film because in many male orientated gangster thrillers, the female leads are always under used but not here. Vera is as good as Paul Walker and her character just as compelling. The two boys in the movie are also central to the plot and it seems every character is a piece to this very interesting puzzle. I think the name is abit weak and probably didn't help in selling this film, but anyone who appreciates true cinema must love what we have here.
Leofwine_draca RUNNING SCARED is a pretty interesting movie. It has its share of flaws, but it does offer something new, and is a lot different to the usual cops 'n' bad guys thriller that I was expecting. In many ways it's like a modern-day fairy tale, with lots of references to the classic stories of old (such as Hansel and Gretel) and a couple of characters facing bizarre and violent adventures during a single night.First off, the good stuff: the cast is pretty hot, particularly Paul Walker, who gives a MUCH better performance than he does in the films he's best known for, the Fast and the Furious series. Similarly, Vera Farmiga can be guaranteed to deliver some strong acting, and the cast of various goons and bad guys are well picked. In addition, the film has a real Tarantino vibe to it; the direction is edgy and the violence explicit. The script isn't bad. Some of the direction is a little over the top and distracting in places, but for the most part it works.The flaws are that it meanders slightly in places, and it also goes on for a little bit too long. The whole paedophile sub-plot, while being suspenseful, seems to belong in a different film altogether and really extends the running time. The ending is also rather predictable. But for the most part, this edgy and intriguing, and offers something different to the usual clichés we've come to expect from this genre.
moskvausa One of the best movies ever made. Makes Quentin Tarantino films look tame. Great story and great characters. Constantly moving action. Not a single moment boring and not predictable on any level. Great set pieces. Fantastic cinematography. Crooked cops, Russian and Italian mobs, drug dealers and pimps, all covered without being contrived. A real modern fairy tale. A sure neoclassic. Have recommended to all kinds of people, from librarians to white and blue collar professionals - all agreed it was one of the most unique film experiences ever. Put aside your genre preferences and see this unique masterpiece of story telling. You will not regret it.