Ice Angel
Ice Angel
G | 05 March 2000 (USA)
Ice Angel Trailers

The film tells the story of Matt, a male hockey player who dies in a game and comes back to life as Sara Bryan, a female figure skater due to an accident made by an angel that caused the hockey player to die. Both share the dream of competing in the Winter Olympics. The male hockey player specified that if he returned to earth, he wanted to have a chance to win an Olympic Gold medal on ice leaving the detail that he wanted to be on the hockey team implied. With time running short Matt has to get skating lessons from Sara's one-time rival if he wishes to earn gold.

Wordiezett So much average
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
KevinB12 I gave this television movie nine stars is that this movie is great as it gets. I hope this comes to DVD as soon as possible because I love this so much. This movie rules!
LordKaskader I remember seeing the trailer on TV while it was advertised for Saturday lunch time and I thought it would be an interesting movie to watch it, so I recorded it and watched it later that day. And OMG I loved it so much! I never keep movies I record once I watch them but I kept that thank God because I can't find it anywhere on Video or DVD.I had never seen Nicholle Tom before and I just fell in love with her, she was so great in the movie, she really did play well the frustrated guy inside the girl. Being a guy myself I think this movie is really interesting because it makes you think how would you react if you would be in a girl's body and still had the male mind in everything! Well it made me wondering! And that's what I liked the most about the movie.Includes IMPORTANT Spoiler from this Point:Some other comments about the movie. I believe the cast was great in every role, the only thing I didn't like was the sudden ending without any progressing with Matt/Sarah and his/her ex-G/F and buddy. It was kinda frustrating that we didn't get to see Ray and Danielle talking to Sarah while they both had kind of realized that Sarah was Matt.I never understood this ending however after me and my friend watched it she noticed something I hadn't up until this moment which is very important and kind of explains why they ended the movie with Sarah smiling after her win. While Sarah is starting figure skating in the Final we see Saint Peter and this other Angel sitting together and watch her and then Saint Peter says exactly this: "You know after this performance Sarah will no longer have any memory being Matt" with the angel replying "I'm really gonna miss him". And I think this is why Matt/Sarah didn't get to talk with anyone after, because she wouldn't remember anything anymore from her former life as Matt which means she would continue her life as a normal girl. I don't like this ending but it's the only one I can give. I still hope he/she would get to say at some point to his/her ex-girlfriend that she was Matt..
the_doctor Ever heard the critics' expression, "trying to give this movie a bad review is like trying to kick a puppy?" Well, it's most certainly true here. Make no mistakes, this is a bad film - the plot goes far beyond the realms of the improbable whilst somehow fitting in every cliché going as hockey star Matt is killed and reincarnated as a female ice skater.The first half of the film concentrates on Matt's gender dysphoria as he tries to adapt to life as a girl, which is handled in a light hearted and, dare I say it, funny way. The second half of the film advances the plot as Matt/Sarah tries to make it as a figure skater.This is mindless, made-for-tv viewing, but as I said at the start of this review, it's got a certain naive charm and a great feel-good factor that makes this a watchable film, although the fact that I was too far gone to change channel probably helped. Though I wanted to, I couldn't find it in myself to actually dislike this movie.Even though it's spliced throughout with five minute no-dialogue-just-song montages to pad it out, the charm of this movie alone carries it through and above the drudgery of daytime TV. Watch this if you want to while away a bored hour and a half, it's a 'bad' film, but its not a bad film to watch.
Billy-116 Nice movie and Nicholle Tom does a fantastic job playing the "guy in the girl's body", she really does it well.A sort of teen version of many other movies, but well done.Well casted, from "Matt" to "Matt2".