Half Past Dead
Half Past Dead
PG-13 | 15 November 2002 (USA)
Half Past Dead Trailers

A man goes undercover in a hi-tech prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. While there, he stumbles onto a plot involving a death-row inmate and his $200 million stash of gold.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Chris_Mac_25 Imagine a film executive looking at the Lethal Weapon duo of Mel Gibson and Danny Glover and saying 'Let's copy that formula, except make it suck.' Seagal is fat and tired and is too old for this shit, Ja Rule tries to look menacing and crazy eyed but just looks and sounds stupid. What happened Steven?
Prismark10 Steven Seagal is an undercover officer who has infiltrated a criminal organisation and ends up getting shot by the police and was dead for a while hence the title of the film.Still undercover he ends up in New Alcatraz presumably the authorities must be sick and tired of timeshare touts in San Francisco buying tickets for this place and decided to jail them all.However a group criminals have broken into New Alcatraz just as an inmate is getting executed as he knows the whereabouts of some buried gold. Its left to Seagal to save the day.Here we have have an older flabbier Seagal with I presume a hair weave. Long past his physical prime, it is left to his stunt double to do the action scenes.The film has a few good supporting actors, but the action sequences are dull, the story is flimsy as well as silly, its really nothing to get excited about and its no wonder Seagal was soon to go Straight to DVD.
David Love The plot concerns a man who goes undercover in a newly reopened Alcatraz prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. How many films are there where the lead is seeking revenge for the murder of his wife? In filmland women need to watch out if they marry! The dialogue is clichéd, and stilted. The plot is illogical. Who wrote this? The answer is the director – Don Michael Paul. However the camera-work is fine and the sound good.The film moves along nicely but the action scenes are over the top. How is it possible to fire so many bullets without hitting anyone? The stunt work and the fight choreography were nominated for awards, as was Seagal for a Razzie as worst actor! So I have to think – do I give this film a second star? I think in fairness to all the guys who worked in art, sound, effects, stunts, camera, sound – they did good work and this mess wasn't their fault. Two stars
screenman Yes; it's that same old formula. From the Prince of One-Dimension-And -Single-Expression comes yet another vacuous outing.He's an undercover something-or-other. He's not a SEAL, he's not a cook, he's not a born-again-eco-warrior, he's - in the FBI this time, I think.Today, he's banged-up behind bars. Our hero's masquerading as a bad-ass criminal type. And it just so happens that a genuine gang of semi-pathological anti-socials break in, determined to take over the train, er - battleship, I mean town. Oops! it's a prison.Cue some indiscriminate killing to prove how nasty they are. There are innocents taken hostage - must have those. And there are threats and ultimatums and stuff. It seems that one of the inmates is due to fry. And he's taking any knowledge of the whereabouts of his $200 million dollar bullion stash to the grave with him. The gang mean to find out where it is before authorities can throw the switch. But they haven't bargained on Mr S. There's the usual shoot 'em ups where baddies with machine guns can't hit a thing, whilst our hero can hardly miss. There's the usual cliché-stricken dialogue. There's all the typical macho-excess and testosterone posturing. There's also a female with such an astonishing capacity for athletics in a leather trench-coat, that she looks like a failed screen-test for the 'Matrix' franchise making good on her investment in cosmetics and clothes: waste not, want not. Trinity, she ain't. Though she all but runs up the walls.I forget how it ends. What am I saying? Steven Segal systematically bumps 'em all off in various grisly ways. The law triumphs and right prevails. Even the stock-market recovers and a sub-prime mortgage disaster is averted (just kidding).There's no interesting train. There's no beautiful, sexy battleship. There's no nice outdoor location work. It's all shot indoors in splendid prison grey to match the rest of the movie. It's predictable action, it's wholesale slaughter. It's boring, repetitive and ham. It's Steven Segal.Strictly for the fans. They're the one's who give it ridiculously high stars, and call it 'classic'. Each to their own.Not recommended.Incidentally; the title 'Half Past Dead' is actually half past plagiarism. The line appeared in a song called 'The Weight' which featured in the 1968/9 classic movie 'Easy Rider'. It ran: "I pulled into Nazareth, I was feeling 'bout half past dead; I just need some place, where I can lay my head". It's been covered by several artists including Bob Dylan's Band.Ain't nothing' new in this world.