The Tale
The Tale
R | 20 January 2018 (USA)
The Tale Trailers

An investigation into one woman’s memory as she‘s forced to re-examine her first sexual relationship and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
chas437 The first question I had after viewing this film; how could she forget these events from 1973? Then I realize, this is the entire point of the film, that children faced with traumatic events can misremember events as a means for survival. The film excels at demonstrating this. That said, I have some issues with the current portions of the film, and some of the casting.I'll come right out and say it, Laura Dern looks absolutely nothing like the 13 year-old Jenny. I'm old enough to remember Laura Dern in films in the early 80s. Dern is tall with a somewhat long, angular face, where as Isabella Nelisse is quite short and small even for a 13-year old. She has a round face with huge doe-like eyes. Frankly their energy as actors is just very different to me. Some may consider this petty, but its an issue for me. Maggie Gyllenhaal would have been a better casting choice.I don't really understand casting Common as her modern Jenny's partner. He's considerably younger than Dern. It just doesn't ring true with me.Finally, I'm having a hard time with the timing of events here. So Jennifer Fox was born in 1959, this means she would have been 48 in 2007. Yet, everything looks contemporary, i.e., the student's clothing style, the presence of modern smart phones.Ultimately, the flash back portions of The Tale are what carry the film, the modern day portions could have been much more efective, both in casting and in script writing. The film gives us the notion that everything was screwed up in the 1970s, and in 2018, we are in some sort of politically correct age of enlightenment. I can't agree with this. Contemporary Hollywood is obsessed with political correctness, and it shows here.
estie-24084 Seen a review talking about movie being beautiful exploration into a subject that is all to often dealt with extremely heavy handily. That comment made me want to puke.There is so much child abuse now days and usually it is dealt with by a slap on the hand. This woman was having many issues mentally and she is the lucky one. Now days many children are murdered.I did enjoy the film it did keep my interest but also mad me sad and mad. Laura Dern did a great job acting in this film as did the rest of the actors.
adamantema Very repetitive and messy plot. some sentences are repeated over and over. very slow pace and there isn't anything really surprising or that makes you think "wow! what a story, or what a great film", too many cliches and things heard and seen HUNDREDS of times. If you read the synopsis, you already know pretty much everything.
TheBigSick SPOILER: When a film comes to the subject of sexual abuse, people tend to think that it is a great film, as it is so difficult and challenging to approach that profound and sensitive subject. This film "The Tale" is indeed such an example, and the writer-director comes up with some extra thoughts and complexity, particularly on the impact of that sexual abuse on the later life. The last five minutes of the film, or the confrontation between Fox and Allens, is just stunning, and Laura Dern definitely gives the best performance of her entire career. The tale is just a tale for a stupid innocent young girl, and is in fact a brainwash from a playboy that constantly takes advantage of kids.