The Baby
The Baby
PG | 01 March 1973 (USA)
The Baby Trailers

A social worker who recently lost her husband investigates the strange Wadsworth family. The Wadsworths might not seem too unusual to hear about them at first - consisting of the mother, two grown daughters and the diaper-clad, bottle-sucking baby. The problem is, the baby is twenty-one years old.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Michael Ledo This is a cult classic, that is a bit odd, slow at times, but stay with it. "Baby" is an adult male (David Mooney) being taken care of as a baby. He is "retarded" (they use the "R" word and have a powder blue dial up phone). Mrs. Gentry (Anjanette Comer) is the case worker who takes a special interest in baby to the dismay of his 2 sisters and mother (Ruth Roman).While the film is odd, the entertainment value is quirky and soft by today's standards. It isn't until the end twist, I no way no how saw coming in spite of the sparse clues, that I came to appreciate the production. However, now that I know how it ends, the re-watch factor is low.Guide: No f-word or nudity. Implied sex.
Rich Wright This film kinda reminds me of an old strip I used to read in a comic called Buster by the name of Mummy's Boy, in which an overbearing mother forces her pre-teen son to dress in baby clothes and be pushed around everywhere in a pram, and his attempts to rebel against this crazy behaviour. Only differences are, the infant in this movie is adult-sized, and he also happens to be brain damaged. But come on, treat the guy with a bit of dignity...You may THINK this nappied bloke would be the killer in a film marketed as a horror... but you'd be wrong. The true maniacs here are his mother and his two sisters, who keep him prisoner in a giant crib and refuse to let him develop beyond his current mental age, while remorselessly beating him for any tiny infraction. No wonder a visiting social worker takes pity on this hapless creature, and so ensues a battle of wills between the matriarch, and the carer...Purely on the basis of the bizarre premise, this is an intriguing watch for the most part, with a far more serious emphasis on the case study of this abused mentally handicapped individual than you'd expect from a drive-in flick where the title is written in blood. The clash between the two women who believe they have his best interests at heart is a good contrast, and the actor playing the big child is so convincing you almost believe its his real life problem.Towards the end though, things start to deteriorate a bit... starting with a stupid party scene where the social worker is kidnapped by the crazy females, and rescued by baby(!) to the gory finale, where the film finally deliver on it's promise of mucho gore. I won't go into details, but it relies on two characters undergoing such radical character shifts you'd think the writer was sacked and replaced by another near the end who decided to reshape them in his image. Not to mention the way certain others fall into their little trap... you'd have to be so daft not to notice the danger signs, you would probably be dumber than the 6ft bedwetter himself.Lazy screenplaying, that's what it is. Still, I liked the final FINAL twist. Didn't see that one coming. Still doesn't QUITE lift it above mediocrity, though. 5/10
MartinHafer The early to mid-1970s were not a good period in the career of Ruth Roman. Although she'd been in some prestige films over the years (such as Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train"), by the 70s she started appearing in schlock pictures--such as "The Baby" and the supremely awful "Impulse". Her TV work at the time on shows like "Police Woman" and "Kung Fu" was vastly superior to her roles in films--though this really isn't saying much. It's a shame, as she was a decent actress--but one whose career had fallen on hard times.The film is rather embarrassing to watch---but it's also like a train wreck. You just can't stop watching and the film is clever despite its awfulness. It begins with an eager social worker stopping by a STRANGE household. It seems the mother (Roman) has three adult children--the youngest of which (age 20) acts exactly like a 6 month-old child! It's very creepy and only gets creepier when the caseworker begins to dig deeper. At first the family seems cooperative but as the film progresses it gets crazier and crazier--so crazy that you need to see this to believe it.Overall, it's a bit uneven--ranging from very creative to a bit clichéd. The most serious is when the family threatens the social worker and behaves horribly (having made allegations of impropriety by the caseworker). The caseworker then goes to a party at their home and brings along no escort for protection nor does she tell her superiors where she is going! Can anyone be THAT stupid?! I hate horror films with such huge and obvious plot problems that SHOULD have been worked out before the film was shot. Also, the family's about-face from VERY threatening and inappropriate to sweet as sugar is just too fast and only an idiot would fall for this! Weak...very, very weak. But, one thing that DID impress me was something no one ever does in this sort of film--when she escapes their clutches, she stops to puncture the clan's tires--now THAT'S good writing! But what happens next....that I didn't expect!! Again, it's uneven and seldom makes sense....but it IS compelling to watch.So is "The Baby" worth seeing? Well, it's NOT the sort of film to watch with your kids, your mother or anyone you want to impress. It's a guilty pleasure and is amazingly sick and twisted--and folks' opinions of you might drop a bit if they know you watch this sort of movie! Subtle? No way...but also entertaining providing you can stand to watch it! And definitely one of a kind!! By the way, I was just thinking that if the caseworker lived in such a HUGE and luxurious house, why did she drive a crappy old Dodge Dart? I used to drive one and it's certainly NOT something I'd drive unless I had few other options!
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse I went into this one totally blind- I was actually expecting a cheeseball, low budget ripoff of "Rosemary's Baby." Boy was I mistaken.This movie is totally strange and uniquely disturbing; and I mean that in a good way. The image of the baby playing ball and trying to stand up will be forever burned into my psyche. The day after viewing, I found myself thinking of his awkward movements and his upsetting cries.Nice little twist at the end- not on the level of some flicks today. but hey for '73, it definitely impressed me.Recommended for fans of early John Waters, 70's TV horror movies, etc. Would make a good double feature with "Bad Boy Bubby." 8 out of 10, kids.