Jackass Number Two
Jackass Number Two
R | 22 September 2006 (USA)
Jackass Number Two Trailers

Jackass Number Two is a compilation of various stunts, pranks and skits, and essentially has no plot. Chris Pontius, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam Margera, and the whole crew return to the screen to raise the stakes higher than ever before.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
MaximumMadness Art- Noun. 1. The expression or general use of human creativity and imagination, typically via visual or audible means, or through performance.Yes. You heard it right here. "Jackass Number Two" is art. Plain, simple... even painful art.Following the resounding success of the previous theatrical release, pretty much everyone assumed that the curtain had been pulled on the beloved cult franchise "Jackass." After all... what else could they do? It seemed like the merry (and merrily insane) crew of Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Ryan Dunn, Jason "Wee-Man" Acuña, Preston Lacy, Dave England and "Danger" Ehren McGhehey had taken that original concept as far as they possibly could in "Jackass: The Movie", and most of the group and behind-the-scenes crew were tied up in spin-offs and other projects that emerged in its wake. Bam and his cohorts had "Viva La Bam"... Steve-O and Pontius had "Wildboyz"... Knoxville had built a fairly admirable career as a character-actor. Nobody expected more "Jackass"...So you can imagine our surprise when seemingly out of nowhere, a full-fledged theatrical follow-up emerged that reunited the entire original cast and crew for another go-around, filled to burst with the trademark stunts, gags and practical jokes that defined the "Jackass" brand. While we knew the gang never really lost their touch, we were still curious if this sequel would be able to match the high entertainment value of the previous film, or if it would just feel like more of the same. Did we really need a... "Number Two"?Oh boy. We were not prepared. "Jackass Number Two" is not only a great sequel to the brutally funny prior film. It's also the peak of the entire franchise. It takes everything that was done so well before, and ramps it up to eleven! The stunts are bigger, badder and far more dangerous. The pain threshold is pushed to starting and shocking new boundaries. The practical jokes are made far more cruel and vile in nature. And the taboos are pushed to manic new limits. For all intents and purposes, the film is a deplorable, vicious and nauseating exercise in excess and extremes, exhibiting behaviors no sane person could possibly endorse or enjoy. And it is so... much... fun!I remember seeing the film with a packed audience at a small theater in my hometown in Upstate New York. And it was the most infectiously enthusiastic and positive movie-going experience I've ever had. The laughs came fast and hard, with people squirming, screaming and shouting throughout the entire twisted 92 minute run-time. From a shocking opening stunt involving a rather painful "puppet show", through a brilliant "Candid Camera" style hidden- camera gag involving the gang in "old man" makeup tormenting the public, to a genuinely horrifying segment involving bulls and a four-way teeter-totter... and finally to possibly the single greatest practical joke I've ever seen during the film's final moments, the audience ate it up. And even now, eleven years later, it's still hilarious every single time I pop it on!And if that ain't "art", I don't know what is! "Jackass Number Two" is most certainly only for the most iron-stomached fans of the original series, but to those brave souls, I can't help but whole- heartedly recommend it. You'll laugh. You'll cringe. You'll squirm in your seat. And you might even lose your lunch. But you certainly won't be able to guess what these maniacs will do next and you won't be able to stop the incessant giggles they'll bring out. And so, I can't help but give it a perfect 10 out of 10 for the sheer, nonstop entertainment value it provides. Just please, for the love of god... don't even think about trying any of this stuff at home!
callanvass Eh… I dug the first Jackass when I was a bit younger, but revisiting these movies as I have gotten older makes me realize I have outgrown this childishness. I still very much enjoy raunchy humor, but I'm really not into watching people go to extreme measures to inflict pain on themselves by risking their lives. As you may expect; the gang goes out of their way to outdo themselves from the first one. I don't remember a whole lot about the gags in this one, but the most memorable is probably the terrorist segment. It's really outlandish stuff that I couldn't believe I was witnessing. Final Thoughts: Johnny Knoxville is a crazy SOB, and there is no other way to put it. It has some hits, but also many misses. If you're a huge fan of extreme comedy, these movies are for you. 5/10
kirk-246 I'm a big fan of the 'Jackass'television series and the first movie.One day,I decide to go to Movie Stop and I got this movie along with the first Jackass movie and a bunch of others.Warning:the stunts in this movie were performed by professionals.It's a good thing that warning showed up,or perhaps society would've repeatedly tried to kill themselves over and over again.But heres the point,'Jackass:Number Two is hilarious and much,much better than the first.The stunts are more dangerous(which makes the movie even funnier),and more disgusting.Johnny Knoxville and Steve-o are my favorite cast members of the show and the movie.7.6/10
pineapple_lollies I watched this movie for the first time a few weeks ago. I had recently fell in love with Bam Margera, one of the cast members so i felt i had to watch this.After seeing the introduction I was left with my jaw dropped to the ground. In all honesty i think Jackass 1 and 2 have the best openers I've ever seen to a movie. With the whole cast emerging from dust or smoke you see about 10-15 bulls chasing after them. You could not believe that this could actually be real. With the men jumping in to bins, cars and pools to try and get away from being hurt it shows Bam and Johnny Knoxville run in to a house where they think they're safe. "Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville & welcome to Jackass." He gets trampled by 3 bulls and there it is, the movie begins.With absolutely hilarious skits you can tell the boys have stepped it up a thousand notches since the first Jackass had so much popularity. A lot of people can look at these men and just think this is pure stupidity and no doubt it is. But it is also pure entertainment that no other men have given people in a long, long time. These men pretty much risk their lives for a bit of fun. Shocking yet brilliant, Jackass 2 will have you in fits of laughter from the very start to the very end.Some scenes may make you puke. Watching a man poo, watching a man eat poo or watching a man drink horse semen may not do it for you. If not then there are always the hilarious skits where Johnny Knoxville dresses up as an old man with his balls hanging out, Bam Margera getting penis brands on his ass and the very hilarious Terror Taxi scene. Then there are the scenes that are down right stupid but you can't help but laugh. From Steve-o shoving a hook in his mouth and almost getting bit my a shark to Johnny Knoxville fishing out anacondas from a ball pit and getting bit several times. No doubt the men in this movie could've lost their lives and in some way this is why we love them.After you think it's all ended they finish the movie with a hilarious Broadway dance number. As i said, this movie will have you in stitches and in tears. I have to congratulate these men for daring to do what many others never would just for pure entertainment.