The Monster Squad
The Monster Squad
PG-13 | 14 August 1987 (USA)
The Monster Squad Trailers

Count Dracula adjourns to Earth, accompanied by Frankenstein's Monster, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and the Gillman. The uglies are in search of a powerful amulet that will grant them power to rule the world. Our heroes - the Monster Squad are the only ones daring to stand in their way.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Moviecritic It's like it was written by a 8-year -old. It was just silly. Unlike other great 80s films, like Gremlins, E.T., Goonies, Back To The Future, and other films aimed at kids, they were cleverly written and well executed. This, however, was just poorly written, structured and over all badly executed. I wanted to have some goofy fun with this interesting concept, but it was difficult to sit through.
borimor Not doubt, that this a movie have the tag "cult movie" all over is forehead; the strange plot, the wink to classic horror characters/movies & the box-office failure. For me, it's bad cult movie, just like many films before. The movie is one big mess, for example, it's hard to understand the motives and the actions of the heroes - The Monster Squad - many time it's not make sense. The same villain can be very weak and very strong at the same time, and like the heroes, you didn't understand their decision making. Also it's a child movie or adult movie? I never seen such a confusing movie, there's violence, sexual comments and bad language, but the plot and the characters are childish. Some people will enjoy the movie, and the producer choose few good decision, for instance, shorten the movie to less than 90 min. I think, the movie have a potential for sequel, with new cast. In conclusion, it's not the The Goonies.4/10
Kim Heniadis I was just a bit younger than the kids in this movie when it first came out, and I probably watched it a dozen times. But I haven't seen it since the late 80's. So my first thought with any movie from the 80's is, does it still hold up? And this one, in my mind, does without a doubt. It has all the cheesy goodness one would want, with a low body count, that one would expect of a PG-13 movie in the 80's.Being a kid who loved horror movies, this situation was a dream for me. I lived out in the country so the closest neighbor with kids my age was two miles down the road. Needless to say, I didn't have any friends nearby that I could have formed a Monster Squad with. The parts that I remembered after all these years were when Phoebe first met Frankenstein's monster, and when she was playing dress up with him. I imagine those struck such a chord with me because as a young girl I would have loved to have done this.Some of the things I noticed that I am sure I didn't even stop to think about for a second as a kid were at the beginning when a female vampire is sucking a possum dry, and I think there was an armadillo running around in the scene. I just really thought these were strange animals to choose. And when I was looking over the credits, Charly Morgan comes up as Vampire Bride with possum.The fake bats hanging from the ceiling and bouncing around were adorable. And Ryan Lambert, who played Rudy, reminded me a lot of Corey Feldman, who as a kid, I also thought was adorable.Now for the things that I wouldn't have even thought about when I was younger, but really stuck out to me as an adult, were how many times at the beginning they used the derogatory slur for gay men. Also Horace was called Fat Kid, even by his friends. In this day and age with bullying being such a hot topic, if you watch this with your kids, you just keep it in mind when you watch it.A few other things were an open flame by Phoebe's bed. Her mom had put it there telling her as long as it burned, the monsters would stay away. Open flame next to the bed, not the best idea, but hey, we survived that and a lot worse in the 80's. Also, the black police officer, and I think he was the only black person in the movie, got killed by TNT. It made me think about Scream 2 where Jada Pickett Smith remarks about the black characters always getting killed.In the 80's I remember divorce being a big topic. Sean, the leader of the Monster Squad, had parents who were going to marriage therapy and were on the verge of divorce. But after slaying monsters together (His dad's a police officer, and the mom sees the monsters towards the end) it looks like they will be one big happy family. In regards to if you should watch this movies, as their principal says, "I dig it, man!"
ironhorse_iv This movie mash is a graveyard smash! Though this horror comedy was not a success on its initial release in 1987, it subsequently developed an even-larger cult following, every year. Directed by Fred Dekker, and written by Shane Black. The movie tells the story of a group of kids call the Monster Squad, whom job is it, to stop a series of monsters, leaded by Count Dracula (Duncan Regehr), from taking over the world. Without spoiling the movie, too much; while it might seem, a bit silly and over-the top. It's honestly, a lot of fun to watch. I love, every minute of it! Yes, the extreme violence & gore, profanity, and dirty sex appeal might turn off, some parents from allowing their kids to watch this PG-13 film. However, as a kid of the early 1990s, I found this movie to be, awesome. Even, now as a mature adult, I find this movie, still very much, appealing; and wouldn't mind, allowing my children to see it, if they wanted to. After all, it's a lot tamer, than what children, see in movies, nowadays. Despite, being a little dated, there is a lot to like. I love how great the Universal Monsters: The Mummy (Michael MacKay), The Gill-man (Tom Woodruff Jr.), The Wolf Man (Carl Thibault), and The Frankenstein's Monster (Tom Noonan), looked. However, some of the other, special effects, needed some work, such as the bats. Still, great work from Stan Winston and his team of special effects artists. Another thing, I like is, how well-acted, all the creatures were. Tom Noonan as Frankenstein's Monster & Duncan Regehr as Count Dracula are the best stand-outs. I love, their chemistry when face with the youngest member of the Monster Squad. It was iconic. Another great scene is the famous, Wolf Man got nards, scene. Even if, you never saw this film. You have, at least, heard of that scene! It's everywhere on the internet as a meme. If you have, saw this movie, you might agree with me, that for the most part, the film has pretty good pacing. There wasn't many boring or slow spots in Monster Squad. The movie is full of gut-blasting action, that you can't take, your eyes away from. Not only does, this movie treat your eyes, it also feeds your ears, some of the best 1980's kid movies music, you'll ever, listen to. This film indeed has an awesome soundtrack. Rock until you drop by Michael Sembello was truly rocking! Still, there are some things that I didn't like, about the film. Examples are, how respective clichéd all the main characters, are. Sean (Andree Gower), Patrick (Robby Kiger), Horace AKA Fat Kid, (Brent Chalem), Rudy (Ryan Lambert), Eugene (Michael Faustino) & Phoebe (Ashley Bank) don't have much, complexity. In my opinion, Eugene being the worst of the group. He literally does nearly nothing to help, further the plot. I really didn't like, the character, at all. I also dislike, the child's acting. He was so annoying. The other child actors weren't that bad, but they sure, wasn't great. It was just mediocre, at best. Another thing, worth criticizing, is the nonsensical plot. The movie doesn't do, a good job, explains, how the monsters got, in the present day. No part of this movie made any sense. The amulet, the diary, the search for a virgin, and even, the large amounts of weapons & explosives, they able to use. All these things, needed more exposition. It was so badly delivered. The worst, had to be Sean figuring out, that the monsters are alive, by finding out that Mr. Alucard is indeed Count. Dracula. It gave me, horrible 1990's Troll 2 flashbacks. Then, there, was the moments in the film, where this film, went to really dark, deep implications at times. A good example of this, is how the "Scary German Guy" (Leonardo Cimino), know so much about monsters. It was very jarring, compare to the rest of light-hearted and relax parts of the film. The movie also went, a little overboard on the mean-spirited jokes. I get the film, was going for uber-realistic on how, children, at the time, acted, but gees, some of the things, these kids, say, are, very offensive insults. Overall: This 1980's cheesy high camp, horror comedy is a trick or treat flick, worth-checking out! Highly Entertaining. Do recommended.