Death Race 2
Death Race 2
R | 18 January 2011 (USA)
Death Race 2 Trailers

In the world's most dangerous prison, a new game is born: Death Race. The rules of this adrenaline-fueled blood sport are simple, drive or die. When repentant convict Carl Lucas discovers there's a price on his head, his only hope is to survive a twisted race against an army of hardened criminals and tricked-out cars.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
venoxben This movie is one hell of a ride from the beginning when we meet our main character to the end where he becomes Frankenstein, to the gorgeous navigator to the Savagery of the Death Match to the birth of this new type of combat from Goldstein and Lists (who I thought for longer than I should of thought his name was lisps) this movie sets up everything you want if you want more of the murder and deadly Death Race while setting up the legend that is Frankenstein which in the 3 movie is compounded on the legend, and the cruel but honest and fair business man of Weyland. And all of it compounding on Luke his family tiring to kill him the other drivers trying to kill him and the crazy host trying to make a quick buck off of him.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Death Race 2 is one of those sequels that is a little more colorful and off the wall than the first one, and less gloomy. Death Race tried a bit too hard to play it straight and serious, and while still a gnarly flick, I personally have to give the edge to this one simply for coming a little closer to the trashy mark that the genre begs for. Any franchise with a title like Death Race has just got to have a touch of camp, some balls out B-movie action and a good dose of pulp. This one is actually a prequel, now that I think about it, taking place in the same penitentiary that the first film did, a year or so before Jason Statham's arrival. It follows the origin of Carl Lucas (Luke Goss), who would go on to be the masked driver known as Frankenstein in the original film. Lucas starts out as a getaway driver and thief for ruthless mobster Marcus Kane (Sean Bean). When a heist gone wrong lands him in Terminal Island prison, he's introduced to 'Death Match', bloody gladiatorial fare instigated by a random prison fight caught on camera and broadcasted online. The prison warden Weyland (Ving Rhames) has his moral doubts, but in swoops opportunistic corporation head September Jones (Lauren Cohan) with a sociopathic agenda to turn simple combat events into all out vehicular warfare, with state of the art machines and artillery, all privately funded. Since this genre exists in a world without anyone, government or other, to protest, Death Race is born. The rules go that if you win a certain amount of races, you go free. Kane has his own plans on the outside though, making a pretty penny off of Lucas and his driving, cruelly trying to keep him inside. Bean is a cut and dry psycho as Kane, relishing in the kind of nasty arch villain skin that action films have to offer. Goss has always had a heart and level of gravitas along with his physical intensity (his villain in Blade 2 is still legendary), which he brings out in Lucas. Danny Trejo comes along for the ride as Goldberg, Lucas's mechanic. The first Death Race was solid, but a bit monochrome in the personality department. This one lets its freak flag fly, getting down and dirty with the bone crunching violence, and thundering motor mayhem. It sinks a level below the first one, which is sometimes a great thing for a particular franchise. It knows how over the top it needs to be, and is all the better for it.
dukevega Bad Case of Sequelitis (and Mistitled Too) WHAT SUCKED ABOUT THIS MOVIE1) Title. When you have a number after a title, that usually means "sequel", not "prequel". Better titles could've been "Death Race: The Beginning" or "Death Race: Birth of Frankenstein".2) Lead character. Another criminal with a heart of gold, only this one has somehow managed to not only make a career out of it (being a criminal, not a hero), but earn the trust of a crime boss (Sean Bean doing a ridiculous accent of some kind). Right.3) Plot. If you have a movie about vehicular carnage, give us some ASAP, do not wait for an hour to finally get to it, okay?4) Logicality of plot. I know in action movies real-world facts have no place there; if you want a revolver to fire 7 bullets without reloading, then it can. But when you have a woman hanging on to a speeding car wrenching a Minigun—-which weighs over 200 pounds—-out of its mount, pointing it backwards and firing it without being knocked off the car, that stretches plausibility past the breaking point for me.5) There will be another sequel / prequel. What will it be about?WHAT WAS GOOD ABOUT THIS MOVIE(Crickets chirping) RECOMMENDATIONSWatch any other "Death Race" movie, your time will be much better spent. I personally prefer "Death Race" over "Death Race 2000", but that's just me.
Bliksembaard First of all, I cant believe people rated this at an average of 5.7. I think it has more to do with the fluff than the quality of the movie.Death race was OK, but this one just made me cry. It starts with some linguistic errors in the opening line (combing words as 'In the near future' and 'now'). Normally I can get over that, but it really set the table for the rest of the film. Scenes that don't have any real importance to the story are filmed in slow motion, while others, that have more significance for the film are too brief. The actors were not really to blame. there are some decent actors (not great), but the director and the writers should really think about a different line of work. To sum up: it has potential, but this one is a swing and a miss.I don't want to get personal, but shame on the highest rated review here and shame on the people who found it useful...