R | 19 April 2015 (USA)
Ashby Trailers

When new kid in town Ed Wallis is given an assignment to interview an older person, he turns to his mysterious neighbor, Ashby Holt for help. That new connection leads to unexpected journeys for both of them, as Ashby – who turns out to be a retired CIA assassin – deals with a terminal prognosis, and Ed deals with adjusting to life with his newly single mom and developing relationship with a brainy classmate, Eloise.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kevin Lea Davies 'Ashby' is yet another film lacking any sort of direction, structure, and storytelling. Is it a character film, a teen drama, or redemption story... perhaps all three? Tony McNamara brings a lot of different ideas into a script that lacks anything important to say at all.Mickey Rourke portrays the titular character Ashby, a former CIA assassin who has killed for his government because quote; "That was my job... sigh..." I suppose as a younger man he must have been a patriot and a soldier, but all that has changed over time, when he has his first heart attack and finds out he has very little time to live. His neighbor (Nat Wolff), a rather bland teenager who just moved into town with his single mom (an equally bland Sara Silverman), asks Ashby if he can write an essay about him... because quote; "You're old." And so the film unfolds at a slow and steady pace with nothing really to offer the viewer and focuses solely on a teenager who literally has nothing to complain about, yet still finds the time and energy to do so.What really upset me about this movie's direction and writing, isn't the awful story line itself, but the real lack of any message for the viewer. Outside of Micky Rouke's character coming to terms with who he was and the horrible things he'd done during his career, every single character in this movie is exactly the same at the end, as when it started out. The idea of an assassin seeking redemption through a kid writing a high school essay is laughable at the least, but putting up with the most annoying teenager in the world, makes me literally weep for future generations of screenwriters and directors. It's predictable at most times, ablaze with platitudes, and lacks anything worth watching for an hour and forty five minutes.This movie has absolutely nothing to teach anyone except that murder can be part of a geek coming to age film. He also becomes an accessory to murder, but hey... that's fine if you're friends right? I wish I could get my time back.4/10
LeonLouisRicci Uneven Blend of "Coming of Age", and Crime Drama that in part is Quite Good, in others Not So Much. The whole Football Thing is a Complete, Clichéd Bore with Clunky and Unfunny Attempts at Humor and Machismo vs Intellect.Mickey Rourke is OK if Not on His A-Game, and Emma Roberts is Fine and maybe the most Interesting Character that is Not a Retread. Matt Wolff is Irritating Most of the Time and this is Basically seen from His Point of View. Worth a Watch but Be Prepared for some Cringe-Inducing Scenes that are just Embarrassing. When Rourke is on the Screen it is Better than Average, but Overall the Movie is Let-Down by some Unfunny Stuff, is All Over the Map in Terms of Story, and the Limitations of a Lead Teen Actor and a Director that can't Seem to Find a Tone that works Consistently.
Leftbanker To Filmmakers: Unless your life is in some godforsaken third world violent hellhole run by a moronic dictator who wears those ridiculous gym teacher shorts I can't imagine anything less like life than the game of football so please stop, just stop trying to make that connection.I just needed to get that out of the way first thing. Other than that I sort of liked the movie during the part that I didn't like it. Mickey Rourke and Sarah Silverman were both fun to watch, the kid not so much. He's likable enough but his role was all over the place. I never got a sense of who he really was. Was he the awkward outsider or the cool kid? The film used that ambiguity as a tool but I don't think it was very satisfying, at least not for me.Maybe there were just a few too many issues to deal with in a little high school comedy, or whatever this was. Let's just count them all up: new kid in town, dad issues, hit-man next door neighbor, mom's a slut, cutie from school likes him but for some reason he doesn't like her much, and then the football crap. I'm getting a headache just listing them. Leave out two of these and the film would have been significantly more fun.
selena-71096 This movie is bad. Really bad. The story is such a nonsense and absurdous at times. Cliché after cliché. The high school football drama and "love" story are nauseating. The acting is really bad, except Mickey Rourke.I mean, every single actor in this movie put out a dismal performance including Nat Wolff. Ed's character is so unlikable and annoying that I wanted to stop watching several times. I have not seen Nat Wolff before, but in this movie he was unbelievably bad. Absolutely no chemistry between Ed and Ashby. The priest' and mother' characters are either a joke or insults to one's intelligence. The funeral scene in the end of the movie completed its awfulness. Mickey Rourke was the only reason I finished watching this movie. His acting was great. But he did not save this peace of crap.