Dirty Weekend
Dirty Weekend
| 04 September 2015 (USA)
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During a layover in Albuquerque, work colleagues Les and Natalie discover more about each other than they ever thought possible. Anxious and irritable, Les is drawn back into the city by past experiences he can’t forget (even if he doesn't really remember the particulars of his previous drunken adventure). Natalie, refusing to leave his side, follows along as her own secrets are slowly revealed, leaving her feeling both vulnerable and unbound.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
betty dalton It is not really a spoiler to tell that this is a gender movie, although not a typical one, because it is dressed up as a lighthearted comedy, which it truly is by the way. 25 minutes into the movie however the only main topic being discussed is if one is gay or not. It has got a clever disguise calling it a "Dirty Weekend" with a gorgeous woman as lead character in it, being stranded on an airport with an older man (Matthew Broderick). But after 25 minutes it turns out that the woman is lesbian and Matthew Broderick isnt sure what he is, but he wants to find out anyway...Even if the story about gender cant arouse much interest, you will be pleased to hear that "Dirty Weekend" can still be enjoyed as a regular, laid back comedy, because Matthew Broderick is his usual stumbling funny character. And even if the girl is lesbian and there is no romance between her and Matthew Broderick, she is still a knockout and has got some pretty sharp comments about Brodericks character, that push the story further into new directions which do surprise.As far as gender movies are concerned, it is nice to see a movie that is suited to be seen by everybody. No sex at all. In a Walt Disney movie you would see more nudity. Charming, very slowpaced, light comedy with some surprising twists. Not great, not bad, just really enjoyable.
zvonkodimitrioski I admit, "slow" films are the kind I like. You can recognize real persons and situations and believe them.The script is not a masterpiece, but deals fine with our unconscious or prohibited desires. Craftsmanship is on Hollywood level - excellent!Of course, Matthew Broderick is the "backbone" of the film and, I think, plays the role with perfection. The person everyone of us can find in the neighborhood. I believe him!Alice Eve is a positive surprise! Fine support with no unnecessary tries to dominate. And, of course, beautiful as always!All in all, film worth seeing !
edwoodca Only posting in reference to the user review saying it was trying to be cool like Breaking Bad for filming in Albuquerque. Your opinion on the rest of the film's elements are as valid as anyone's opinions. But you're clearly unaware that the New Mexico Film Office gives/gave out favorable tax credits [$$$] for productions to shoot in N.M. That's why they filmed there. Same goes for productions that shoot in New Orleans, Atlanta, etc.Hell, even California started taking applications a couple months ago for tax credits in order to lure filming back to the state.
randymcbeast I kept waiting for this movie to come together and make any kind of point, but sadly it never did. On top of which, Matthew Broderick is just plain awful and torture to watch.Ahhh, Matthew, you've gone from WarGames, Ferris, Biloxi, and even Election, to this? You used to be cool denim and now your dusty polyester. Time to hang it up dude. Your incessant whining made me nauseous and just killed the credibility of the film. In real life nobody would last two seconds listening to you.Other than being sickened by Broderick, the movie was pointless and I think they were trying to be cool in a Breaking Bad sort of way shooting in Albuquerque but it never really came off that way.One bright spot was Alice Eve. I can watch her all day. She's an absolutely captivating actress and should be getting closer to a breakout film than a resume buster like this one.In the end, watching this movie was a dreadful waste of time.