Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
| 24 April 2015 (USA)
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West Philadelphia basketball star Sergio Taylor deals with the pressures of fame while his brother and sister have their own issues with ambition.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
masonfisk An epic lite tale of making it out of the hood is the focus of Brotherly Love. Overbrimming w/plot & incident, this film begs to have been a series to work all the characters & plotlines. As it is, this movie which stars KeKe Palmer suffers from so much that we can't focus on what transpires in front of us. A shame since it is well shot & the actors do give it their all.
traonah Are you serious?! I was SO not expecting that! Going through Netflix the other night looking for a background distraction while cleaning, I came across this movie, Brotherly Love. I'm from Philly, so why not check it out? Usually, I read about a movie before watching it. But, I read no synopsis, no reviews, and didn't care to know who was cast in this. Because the movie was just a distraction, I just hit the play and continued to clean. And then it happened. I stopped cleaning. An unpredictable story line with an all-star cast kept me glued to the screen. Great movies are simple in theory and challenging in execution. I imagine, to make a movie great, it requires two things: a good story and exceptional actors to tell it. This movie delivered on both. ----Who is this writer/director Jamal Hill? What else is he creating? How are there so many freakin' awesome actors in this ONE movie?!----So, if you were wondering… no, I didn't finish my cleaning the other night. (I know you were wondering… yes, you were). Instead, I watched this movie, which had me thinking about it the next day, and the next, and the next. We need more Mr. Hill. I'm just saying… we need more movies that command attention and that leave an impression. Very. Well. Done.
philosopherst This is such an amazing film and I seriously can't understand how it only brought in $1.9 million dollars. The story and acting are so real and too close to real everyday life in the streets of Philly. This film captures the reality of the streets, not some phony Hollywood story written by some clueless writer who is just recreating the classic shoot em up drug dealing story we see portrayed over and over. This film has a realness that feels like life a lot of us have seen in the streets of the city, with characters that we all knew and grew up with. And the story's twist and turns, even its mystery's, will keep you on your toes from beginning to ending. This is definitely Corey Hardrict's best portrayal thus far. Jamal Hill did an excellent job on this film, and this just goes to show you how much talent is left undiscovered in Hollywood.
Crystal MzWurk Hill Murray Loved this movie and I will definitely be going back again a 2nd time. This movie hits home to a lot of us Philadelphians. Me personally born and raised not having these actual situations happen in my life however I know a lot of individuals I grew up with that have experienced a lot of the actions that happened in the movie. I was taken by surprise at the end because I thought I had it all figured out.. Great Job Jamal Hill..I am looking forward to your next project... Will there be a Brotherly Love 2?We want more