White Bird in a Blizzard
White Bird in a Blizzard
R | 24 October 2014 (USA)
White Bird in a Blizzard Trailers

In 1988, a teenage girl's life is thrown into chaos when her mother disappears.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
InaneSwine The film's intentionally awkward and disjointed style takes quite a while to settle into, as the clumsy dialogue and impenetrable story juxtapose with beautiful images and music. But once you get your head round everything, it is quite an enjoyable watch, the main attraction here being the impressive cast - particularly Shailene Woodley's sensitive character, Eva Green's wonderfully cartoonish performance and the breath of fresh air from the comical Gabourey Sidibe and Mark Indelicato.Overall, I would recommend the film; but if you miss it, I wouldn't fret too much.
Luke Reed I was captivated. From the start it was a compelling movie that encouraged the viewer to get involved. The reason I didn't vote higher is purely because of the last 10 minutes or so. If you are watching the movie for the first time, stop prior to this.I believe, personally, that a movie should draw you in deep, as if you were a background member of cast. Let your mind and theories go wild before leaving you with a subtle hint of the truth behind the protagonist. You, the viewer are in charge of the ending.White Bird in a Blizzard ticks all the boxes of an indie drama for me. Until the last 10 minutes when it spoon feeds the viewer everything in the plot to figure out the whole movie. The directors did an excellent job and I enjoyed every moment for the entirety, but the "big reveal" I felt detracted from all the ground work they lay. In my opinion, watch, imagine and solve the mystery. Stop early though as choosing one ending to rule them all (a la: lord of the rings ;) ) I felt detracted rather than soothed from what was other wise a rousing and mysterious series of events portrayed through film.
eddie_baggins A curiously combined genre mashing of coming of age story and suburban mystery, famed indie director Greg Araki's adaptation of Laura Kasischke's book White Bird in a Blizzard is anything but formulaic which will alienate many viewers with its obscure tone but also win over its portion of fans with a narrative that remains constantly engaging even when things get undeniably weird.With more than a dollop of David Lynch and even a hint of Tim Burton in the mix here, Araki has crafted an almost dreamlike state of a movie that often finds just the right amount of seriousness and curios. The central plot line of Shailene Woodley's Kat Connors, a teen growing up amidst the strange and out of nowhere disappearance of her struggling with the mundanities of life wife and stay at home mum Eve, is but a jumping off point for Araki to explore a range of emotions felt by those going through adolescence and in doing so he creates a film that is all at once both reflective and relatable and also highly unusual. Paramount to Blizzard's success as a feature film is the increasingly impressive Woodley who is the heart and soul of this dark tale.So good in smaller budget character studies like The Descendants and the fantastic The Spectacular Now, it's great to see Woodley once more shy away from the likes of Fault in our Stars and the dreary double pronged attack of Divergent and Insurgent and Blizzard could just be her most astute performance yet in what is a role that requires her both emotionally and psychically to bare quite a bit. Outside of Woodley's turn there is sadly yet another overblown Eva Green performance who is quickly becoming one of the most irritating performers on the big screen but in some ways her troubled character of Eve requires some left of field antics.Filmed with a finely sensed humour and some downright darkness, White Bird in a Blizzard is a film all unto its own and a film that could just become a new favourite for those that like their films more Donnie Darko than The Avengers. With an unsuspecting final act bookending an always intriguing set up, Blizzard is a quiet and low key achievement that ranks as one of Araki's most efficient and evocative films and yet another showcase for Woodley's exciting career trajectory.3 ½ awkward dinner invites out of 5
CourtneyBW I lied on a review I wrote yesterday on a different movie. Unknowingly of course. But I had stated that I only give written reviews if the movie was either horrible or amazing. This movie was neither. HOWEVER, I feel compelled to tell you that though neither amazing nor horrible. It was intriguing. Not one I would probably watch again on purpose, but I definitely don't feel even a little as though I have wasted my time watching it. The acting was great, I felt like the script was a little "in the wrong decade" but the movie was good enough to look past that.As the film goes on you start coming to your own conclusions and suspicions of certain things and characters. But I have not been surprised by a twist like that in some time! I would recommend this movie. If even only once! Enjoy!