| 21 August 2014 (USA)
Freedom Trailers

Two men separated by 100 years are united in their search for freedom. In 1856 a slave, Samuel Woodward and his family, escape from the Monroe Plantation near Richmond, Virginia. A secret network of ordinary people known as the Underground Railroad guide the family on their journey north to Canada. They are relentlessly pursued by the notorious slave hunter Plimpton. Hunted like a dog and haunted by the unthinkable suffering he and his forbears have endured, Samuel is forced to decide between revenge or freedom. 100 years earlier in 1748, John Newton the Captain of a slave trader sails from Africa with a cargo of slaves, bound for America. On board is Samuel's great grandfather whose survival is tied to the fate of Captain Newton. The voyage changes Newton's life forever and he creates a legacy that will inspire Samuel and the lives of millions for generations to come.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
vincentlynch-moonoi There are lots of things to criticize here. Too much overt religion. Slow moving story. The clever idea of paralleling the story of slaves to the story of hymns. Weak plot.But if the story of slavery in America is a huge jigsaw puzzle little understood by today's Americans, then this film has a few jigsaw pieces to consider. For example, we don't learn often enough today about the Underground Railway, and that is a key part of this film. Some of its methods are highlighted here, including the role played by Quakers. There are some heart rending scenes here which will be distasteful to many, but which only scratch the surface of the immense cruelty these humans suffered, particularly in the voyage to America.There are some detours here that were distracting and added little to the story. For example the theatrical segment was just so out of place. And the whole flashback in time aspect of the story...well, I think it sounded better on paper than it turned out on the screen.Cuba Gooding had so little dialog here it's almost funny, He's an actor that started out with real promise, but made many poor project choices. His gravelly voice is beginning to be a problem.As a film, this movie is an almost epic failure. Its value lies only in certain images that burn into your mind even more the evils of slavery and what Black men, women AND CHILDREN endured.On a personal note, I was interested in one aspect of this film -- that part of it took place in Woodbridge, Virginia, the area in which I lived my last few years in the state.
joebauper I had the opportunity to read the original screenplay when it was sent to an actor- friend of mine and it was a marvelous screenplay which I heartily recommended to everyone. It was like a multi-coloured tapestry set during the underground railroad system. As a Brit, we ended slavery before the Americans I'm afraid. However, upon watching the movie, it appears they changed so much of the screenplay it's almost unrecognizable. And that's a pity. This had all the elements of a tour de force movie, but it fell flat. Especially the ending. I remember the screenplay had the lead character saying a very profound speech which matched the motif of John Newton's character where both the slave hunter and Newton find redemption. No such thing in the movie.Anyway I give the film an 8 out of 10 for effort.
Theo Robertson Cuba Gooding Jnr tries to resurrect his career and right away this begs two possible questions "What career would that be ?" Or "Who is Cuba Gooding Jnr ?" Oh come on guys , stop being so cruel . He hasn't done you any harm and if you sat through BOAT TRIP it's no ones fault but your own . That said this "Based on a true story" adventure is little bit cynical since it's obviously inspired by 12 YEARS A SLAVE though it's much less hard hitting . To be truthful it's not what some people have claimed as religious propaganda and certainly isn't a faith based movie in the same vein as GOD'S NOT DEAD . People in Virginia from era would indeed be evangelical bible bashers , so much so I have trouble believing that the head honcho of the posse hunting the escaped slaves makes claims he doesn't believe in God and seems invented to give black and white dichotomy on both a moral ad metaphysical level . Another annoying aspect is that it ironically plays up to racial stereotypes in that every black person who has ever lived has a lovely baritone singing voice and sing they do at every opportunity . In some ways FREEDOM cod be described as a Walt Disney equivalent of 12 YEARS A SLAVE but looking on the bright side at least we don't have Mel Gibson painting his face blue pretending to be a Scotsman
leah-pallaris A powerful MOVIE, That gives, US a look into Life in the EARLY 1800's. FREEDOM is the HUMAN RIGHT of all.. SLAVERY is the INJUSTICE that many were given. FAITH and HOPE was the Inspiration, To Change the Course of History... AMAZING GRACE, HOW Sweet the sound.... WE all can do OUR BIT, To Change a World, Where SLAVERY IS Still A HUMAN EVIL, THAT has To be ADDRESSED, with a HUMAN RIGHTS AGENDA.... In Our World we see so much injustice, our Voice must be heard. This Movie, has the inspiration to help where we can, to tell our Government, that FREEDOM/PEACE is our only real Progress, for our Country to instill in all of us. Also the rest of the World.