| 23 November 2011 (USA)
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The elder one of each generation in the Furlong family is equipped with an extraordinary capacity. James discovers the nature of his at the time of an accident which causes the death of his father and his grandmother. Haunted by this mysterious evil he hides in a forest not to harm anybody. A few years later, Mae also takes refuge it in the forest and meets James.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Armand it is only word who can describe this film about death and hope. a strange cold fairy tale about a boy, his gift and the bridges with world. virtue of movie - the ball of feelings. the powerful impressions. the burned grass and the need of the other of a young man. nothing else. because all is only puzzle of gestures and search. a ladder and a form of escape like wet drawing. it is a beautiful film but not a comfortable one. web of questions and delicate nuances. and nice acting. a film about solitude and its corners. and, sure, about love. as a kind of parable. or only invitation for understand world more than a wall. but as way.
wissenDa Beautifully shot and competently acted, the romance between a young man cursed with lethal magical powers beyond his control and the spirited teenage cancer patient who gently coaxes him out of his self-imposed exile is quite a bit less maudlin than it might look on paper.So what if the story is fairly simple and predictable? (The final act gestures towards some nuance, by finally presenting us with a fairly sympathetic antagonist; alas, this potentially promising plot-development felt rather rushed). Since this is supposed to be a fairy tale, that's not necessarily a strike against it. Simplicity can have its charms.That probably also describes the appeal of the protagonist. Harry Treadaway's eerily enchanting performance as James Furlong made me think of Caspar Hauser and Percival – a rare example of the male ingénue, the pure fool of legend, removed from the corrupting influence of society at an early age, blamelessly guilty, fragile but fatal. How often do we get to see that in the male version? I docked some points, because my cold, shriveled heart finds the underlying message of all-defying love somewhat pat (I also resent the implication that – Spoiler Alert – only romantic/sexual love will do the trick, while the selfless kindness of the woodsman who takes in injured little James remains without effect on the curse; if you have to go with the bromides, at least don't operate with such a narrow conception of love). Someone with a more romantic disposition however might well fall in love with this little gem of a movie. It is, at any rate, exceedingly pretty to watch.
aridoux45 Just saw this during the Tribeca film festival and found it great. I enjoyed the poetry, the incredibly strong pictures and the really original plot. Some of you may not agree but I have been hooked by this movie from the first to the last minute and what should I say about the actors that are beautifully playing and magnificently directed. This movie is full of emotions and the love story is very well treated, showing a real, pure love which is not going pathetic as it is in many movies today. Hope this movie is going to be seen by many of you and bought in the US to become a hit, not even in comparison to some other hits, this film deserves it.
dougsteadman2005 Saw this tonight at Tribeca. The "love conquers all" message is certainly worthy, but this just isn't a very well told story. The scripts contains few surprises (no point even bothering to spoil the plot here - you'll soon guess where the story is heading), and the directing is flat. The film's point of view is a big problem. The director doesn't seem to be sure if it's Mae-West's or James's story, so in the end it's hard to care for either. The overblown score tries too hard to fill in the emotions that the script doesn't provide. Some nice effects work in places though. I can't imagine this will be a huge hit, but if you see it coming to your local cinema best look for other options.