| 20 June 2014 (USA)
Delirium Trailers

Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
elizabethe1223 This movie was AMAZING! I just wish there was a sequel to it because where it leaves off is not a good place. I don't understand why FOX has not adopted this movie project and televised it even, it would make a killing. The actors are AMAZING and you can feel the chemistry between Emma Roberts who plays the female lead: Lena, and Daren Kagasoff who plays the male lead in love with Lena: Alex, just the simple things they do make the movie that much greater. This is a hit and hopefully FOX gets some sense and realizes that. It is not too late for this to be shown and forwarded. Crossing my fingers that a sequel comes to life! There are just so many unanswered questions that people who have not read the books will not understand, and frankly people who have would like to see what they have been envisioning in their heads play out on screen. It is refreshing to see characters come to life through film and these actors do a fantastic job and should continue playing out the love and adventure of Lena, Alex, and all the other characters too!
georgina10 I went into this without knowing it was a TV pilot and without knowing it was not picked up! Probably a good thing to do whenever watching something new - you are left with a very genuine opinion. I LOVED IT and WANTED MORE! That, in one sentence is what my opinion is of Delirium - I thought this was a movie and was glued to it from the beginning. My ONLY disappointment was at the end when I wanted more and went looking for part 2 or information on follow up episodes to learn it was a TV pilot and has NOT been picked up! Disappointed is an under statement!! This was a great story and I was deeply involved in how this would all turn out for them. Great cast, very believable story line, and emotional involvement for both sides of the "Delirium" debate. Would you have the procedure? and to the parents that have had it done are you any better? Could you really spend your life without these deep feelings and emotions? .These were great questions that would no doubt have been dealt with in future episodes. I was on the edge of my seat at the end for Lena and was excited to see what was next for her, would she meet her Father? would she be reunited with her new love interest, would he survive? These are all the right kind of questions you want for a TV series, you want viewers WANTING MORE and Delirium ticked all those boxes!. To those who have read the book and said it is nothing like it etc etc , then I say THIS was just 1 episode , a pilot, a TASTE of the book series and a sample of what was to come and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I agree with others who also enjoyed it and have said they are tired of the endless "cop shows" being picked up , yet we have something different here in Delirium that would suit a whole range of viewers and it failed to get picked up....... WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? I am a huge fan of Criminal Minds and CSI and Blue Bloods or so many of the same style Comedies but there is plenty of room for something completely new, something like Delirium. "DO I DARE DISTURB THE UNIVERSE" = ironic!
soffiash Spoiler alert! For those who haven't read the books, reading on is your responsibility. This pilot didn't give the story the possibility to enhance and evolve. It did it no justice, but belittled the story and it's author. I, like the person that reviewed this before me, have never, ever written a review here on IMDb, not even when the story of Eragon was destroyed. Now, I can't hold it in. Lena Holloway's story is beautiful and it touches you. The first book begins like a normal teenage cliché but the story just gets better. This pilot did this book and it's author wrong. The relationship between Lena and Alex takes the bigger part of the first book to evolve, and it needs to take all that time, because of how forbidden love is in Lena's live, how she deals with it and how she comes to terms with it. How their love evolves is the essence of the first book, it's the point, it's the reason everything goes the way it does, and in this pilot it is belittled. Lena Holloway lives in a suburb in an old and skimpy house with her aunt and uncle and two cousins, the younger one doesn't talk and only takes comfort in Lena. They do have a phone, but only in the kitchen and it's rarely used. They mostly use oil and candles because electricity has gotten so expensive. They're poor, and it's supposed to show, it matters. About the "cured" ones, they don't smile unless there is a good, solid reason for it, and then you can barely tell if they're smiling. And they certainly do not laugh. They are almost robot like, there are no emotions, just responsibility and duty. The time Lena and Alex spent together is so much more important than this episode makes it look like, but here everything happens way to quickly, like they were trying to put a whole book, and a part of a second one, in a 40 minute episode. It should have been only the first book and a 2 hour move that would have given it justice! What gives the second book it's wings and the possibility of Julian's character is also the way Lena saw Alex die. The part about the prison/mental hospital is also way more important than it is demonstrated in this pilot. And it was her mother that was held captive there, not her father, and that fact is of great importance. Those people on the other side of the fence are also not a part of the first book and have nothing to do with Alex. This episode also skipped the part where Alex and Lena go over the fence together without being caught and he shows her things she never imagined existed, like poems and fantasy books and more. And how Lena and Alex planned to escape and how everything went wrong, was also belittled. What was also supposed to be his death was done no justice. And there was no one waiting on the other side of the fence when Lena got over in the end of the book, she ran for hours, days, until she passed out and was found. Julian and his father are not a part of the first book, they don't appear until the second one, and we don't find out anything about them until Julian and Lena get captured together and find comfort in each other. The characters are all wrong, they're not portrayed in the right way, this happens way to quickly and it's really messy and sad to watch. This should have been a 2 hour move, and a trilogy, where they'd try to fit in every part of the books that matter and one book at a time, thank you. But I guess that ship has sailed since they decided to do this pilot. It's the same mess as they did with Eragon, the same mistake, except Eragon was too lengthy. This was just a mess, and I'm so sorry to see such a good story wasted, I truly am. Where is the passion and the will to make art when it comes to directing and writing scripts today? You can't just put everything in a mixer and press a button, it doesn't work that way. It will just turn out gooey and you can't tell what's what. I'm sorry, but this was just horrible. Sincerely Soffía
Saskia Matthewson I have never written a review for a movie or a book, but after seeing this movie I just had to put my two cents in for obvious reasons... I read Delirium by Lauren Oliver at the beginning of the year. I must say never once had I cried so much after reading a book, nor had I ever been moved to the point of actually making a Tshirt with the slogan in honor of a book, just to keep the memory alive! I know some of you may be thinking, that's a bit rad... But if you have read the book, then you won't think I am utterly insane. It is that moving, and stirs up emotions in you that is hard to shake. It is by far the best book I have read this year. So let's get down to my verdict on the movie. First of all, I had no idea a film was being made, even though I had often fantasized about the idea. However, a friend whom I had discussed Delirium with, and who had also read the book found out about the movie and invited me to a private viewing. Realizing Emma Edwards was the lead cast member evoked mixed feelings, as I wasn't sure if she was the right person to play Lena Holoway. But I didn't want to jump to any conclusions until I had seen the whole movie. The heightened anticipation sunk like an iron blimp after the first 5mins. It's safe to say that the movie has ruined the memory of the actual story for me. I mean imagine starting on page one and suddenly fast forwarding to chapter ten! It made no sense whatsoever. The way Alex and Lena's relationship evolved was portrayed totally differently from the book. Both characters lacked chemistry in the movie, and Hana's role was totally confusing, and made no sense. Lena was supposed to be living with her aunt and her little cousin, and hardly saw her sister. However, in the movie, she lived with her sister. At the end when she escaped with Alex in the book, I remember experiencing this burst of intense adrenaline induced heart pounding sensation, that made me feel like I was actually the one on the run. The escape scene in the movie, again is totally different, and a total let down. It was like an after thought crammed in, and was almost laughable. That's how pathetic it was. I understand that a whole book cannot be crammed into a movie...but please don't change the story line! So many books have been made into movies, and there is always an element of disappointment, but Delirium takes home the award for totally pointless. I was absolutely infuriated, and left feeling cheated after the movie. It failed to arouse any sort of emotion in me, and I felt like I spent 45mins trying to ask a chicken why it crossed the road. I hate to burst your bubbles if you have been eagerly waiting to see this movie. It is absolutely not worth it. I wish I could undo seeing the movie, so I can keep the beautiful memory of the book intact and unspoilt. This movie goes to show that not all books work as a movie. I think it could have worked with the right lead characters, and more time invested into developing the characters and keeping to the original storyline. Not sure what they set out to achieve, but the end was left as if to be Alex didn't appear to be dead, and Lena failed to show any emotion as Alex was held down by the police after being shot. To say the movie was utterly disappointing and a complete waste of time, has to be be the understatement of the century. Non of the characters were good, and the story forgettable. The movie is an epic fail. Watch if you like the feeling of being cheated out of a good story.