Force 10 from Navarone
Force 10 from Navarone
PG | 08 December 1978 (USA)
Force 10 from Navarone Trailers

World War II, 1943. Mallory and Miller, the heroes who destroyed the guns of Navarone, are sent to Yugoslavia in search of a ghost from the past.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Wordiezett So much average
ShangLuda Admirable film.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
bombersflyup Much like its predecessor, Force 10 from Navarone is fairly monotonous, but less eventful and of less quality.If the sole purpose of the film was to get the man from "Jaws" and Jaws in the same film, well it's a winner. In fact it has a pretty star studded cast, you've got Han Solo, Apollo Creed, The Jackal and Barbara Bach who also in the film with Jaws. Though much wasted talent I'm afraid. Watchable, but nothing too memorable about it. The characters and dialogue quite dull.
gavin6942 During World War II, several oddly assorted military experts are teamed in a mission to raid and destroy a bridge vital to enemy strategy.An odd occurrence in making the film: cinematographer Christopher Challis recalled that the film was originally considered to be filmed in Pakistan until someone realized that Pakistanis did not resemble Yugoslavians or Germans and the expense to make them appear as such on film would be financially prohibitive. How do you make someone look German? Anyway, this is a good war story. Not a great war story, but a good one. And it really is sold by the strong casting. Harrison Ford and Robert Shaw, obviously, but Carl Weathers is incredible. He may be best known for "Rocky", but he always commands attention when on screen.
elmusto This movie made Einstein roll in his grave as it explained how its easy to blow a 20m thick dam rather than a 2m thick bridge with steel arches and this is only the most annoying flaw among-st 20 other that i really tried to disregard since it was a classic movie but unless people in 1978 were as sharp as a baseball bat i assume they gave similar reviews, if you re a movie critic and for some reason they had to torture you,this will be their most effective method. of course as in all bad things their most be some good and in this whole trainwreck the only remedy that kept me in my extremely painful seat is Harrison ford,that man should go straight to heaven for he having to play a role in this waste of human man power,redeemed all his sins.
TurboarrowIII I thought this was a disappointing film.Not sure why Harrison Ford made it. Maybe he thought he couldn't go wrong after Star Wars but this is not a good film.Usually I like Robert Shaw as an actor but I thought he was poor in this and came across as a bit of an idiot rather than a professional sent to carry out a dangerous mission.The story about the penicillin was just ridiculous as was the story about hiding it earlier on. In real life the Nazis would have just laughed at the stupidity of it and probably shot Ford and the others.The acting is patchy and the action isn't very exciting.Overall a disappointing film with poor performances.