Perfect High
Perfect High
| 05 July 2015 (USA)
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Sweet suburban teen Amanda is introduced by her new friends to prescription drug-sharing, but the recreational fun soon leads her to a life-altering heroin addiction.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
SnoopyStyle At Lakewood High, lead dance troupe member Amanda (Bella Thorne) is part of the selfie obsessed generation. She dislocates her knee and is prescribed hydrocodone. Riley wants a friendly handout. She starts going out with Riley's brother Carson and soon she's pulled into Riley's drug world. She spirals out of control.Bella Thorne works better as the mean girl. This is a scared-straight afterschool special movie of the week. It hits most of the standard drug tropes. Some are cheesier than others. It's not particularly good nor bad. I do appreciate the misdiagnosis by her mother as an eating disorder but by the end, she's a little slow. This is not breaking any new grounds. It travels very familiar roads.
elly-62591 This movie is utterly ridiculous. It fails on so many technical levels. Everything is shot in a flat, boring way. The structure is extremely shoddy. The characters are unrealistic, 2 dimensional and unbelievable. There is a romance between the main character (Amanda) and some other idiot who looks like a discount Harry Styles which comes out of nowhere, contributes nothing to the story, and is extremely insufferable. The acting is bad. But all of this would be excusable as long as the story was good. It's not. The absolute worst thing about this movie is the writing. At one point, one of the characters ODs on Heroin. Now, in theory, this would be an extremely emotional and tense scene. Unfortunately, because the scriptwriters had no idea what they were doing, the scene is laughable. Literally. I was watching this by myself, and I was sat there laughing like a lunatic. Do not watch this unless you're drunk. Or high on heroin.
edwagreen Run of the mill yarn with the typical theme of a girl getting injured and her use of pain killers leading to addiction from much more dangerous narcotics. Of course, the familiar theme of getting in with a bad crowd is also discussed.The movie starts off as if it is going to be about the rebelliousness of her younger brother, with his outbursts and defiance to his parents.Hard to fathom the naivete of the parents who never realize what their daughter has gotten herself into. No, they're not in denial either as they actually at one point think that she is starving herself when she showed a lack of appetite.
rubydragonfly88 Depending on the subject matter, I like Lifetime movies, but this one was corny even for them. The underlying premise is somewhat believable, but overall the movie seems unrealistic. It has some dramatic scenes, but they're not handled well so it comes off as melodramatic and awkward. Lifetime has made movies of similar content that were much better quality. Also, I get that social media is a major part of a teenager's life, but you can't even read what they're texting/posting and it seems awkwardly done. I don't think drug addicts constantly post about their use on social media. They could've integrated it that much better